Well the bad weather followed us to e-lake .As we got there the road was good untill we went to the shore.I stopped halfway down because my corolla was sliding .Fish4fish pulled next to me and said that he was going down to the bottom.I asked him if he thought he could make it back up cause the road was so muddy!He said his beast of a car would but guess what it didnt![sly] He was stuck in the mud at the bottom of the road. There was an old timer on top of the hill and he helped fish up.As of fishing same thing chasers and no takers! But i did manage to catch 1 cutt 19".And that was all!Oh and mrs.ocean took my worms out of the cooler and tylers worms were rotten so no bait.Thats probably why the fishing was slow .One good thing was tyler did happen to bring in my minnow trap that bruce lost last week!
Looks like fun! The front wheel drive cars can get around a little better...but they still don't beat a 4X4! Nice cutt though. Hopefully the fishing will improve the next time you are up there.
Hey that little beast of a car would have made it if i hadnt slid in the ditch [unsure], but it was a fun day and i was real gratefull to the old feller, i offered him lunch but he turned my cooking down, maybe he knows something that i dont know.............
And dont beleve cesar he didnt catch the fish he sangged it in the eye.
oh yeah you may have caught the only fish of the day but missfish4fish had the catch of the day, your minnow trap from last week.
sometimes vehicles can surprise you. i manage to get my little honda civic into some stuff, that i dont know how i manage to get out of.
looks like you guy's ended up down by the inlet.. has the lake turned over yet? is there still lot's of mose all over? and did you see any big minnow schools out there?
as i have cautioned before the roads on the mountens around here get realy nasty when they get wet..
thats why i fish the dam area when it startes getting realy bad up there all tho i dont think my jeep would of had much truble getting in and out this weekend.. but when the snow starts up it's walk in or snowmobile only..
i was going to head up to E-lake my self but when i look up at the mounten yesterday morning it did not look good so just passed on yesterday.. and will hit it when the whether is better or worse in the case of ice fishing..
dude on fish?
Theres still some moss and didnt really see any minnows .The roads were not that bad exept the ones going down to the water.Those were the worst !Extremly muddy tyler couldnt get no trction neithe rcould the old timer trying to pull him out![laugh]And i dont mind walking in the winter.I can always use my sled dog to pull my gear.[

]It really didnt rain on us on either lake but it was enough water coming down to make mudd!