Have any of you been to Pineview to hunt for muskies. What is best to use and what part of the reservoir would be best.
[size 4]I like short crank baits. Most guys fish large musky lures like the j-18 by rapala, and wood choppers, ect. These lures catch fish but it feels like you are reeling in a huge potatoe and trolling them, well you better have some stout equipment. A lot of the standard stuff you already have will probably do very well for you. I like clown colored, perch pattern, and bluegill lures but have caught fish on such a variety that I couldnt say one is better than another. Pineview was rated as one of the nations top ten tiger waters a few years back and so there should be plenty of oportunity. If you have not spent a lot of time on the water, I recomend trolling, if you have the ability. This will farmiliarize you with the lake as wells as reveal a few fish holding locations. Start out straight across from the boat ramp, troll from the pump house east and just follow the contour of the lake around. I would stay out deeper at this time of year. Muskies can be found up shallow, but most will be found hanging on the edges of the drop offs into deeper water. You should wind up on the other side of the bay headed back to the marina over by cemetary point. This is the middle fork arm. If you havent caught any fish, try the south fork arm, then the north. Finally try the dam arm. There are fish everywhere, I have caught them all over the lake. Go early. Two reasons, the fishing is better in the morning, and there arent as many "boaters" on the water. Do your best to revive the fish, make sure he swims off, not just was let go. If you want more info, let me know. Pineview is a great fishery, the smallmouth in there is a very overlooked resource. [/size]
When I caught mine Dan I had just started to enter the channel with the dam. I was cruising about 30 yards off the bank using a J-11 broken back rapala. Good luck, they are everywhere, its finding the hungry one thats a pain in the a$$[
