Has anyone been to Newton this year? Does it have any water? I remember Predator telling me about blue gill going nuts out there a couple of years ago. I haven't been around here for the last while so I don't know what's been going on here on the message board. It's good to be back.
Happy fishing.
[size 3]I havent heard this year. I assume the water level is too low to put anything but the jon boat on. Come on down this weekend, lets go do some wiper fishing. I know you are dying to give it a whirl this year. Its been a long time old friend. Looking froward to the antelope hunt with you this year.[/size]
You're right. I am dieig to get out again. I'd like to come down. What's the plan Saturday? I have to be to work by 5 is my only problem.

]Newton Res. is extremely low, lower than it was last year. I'm guessing its only 12 ft deep or less right now. You can see the top end from the dam. Sorry I don't know how the fishing is.
Hobo give me a call when you get a chance I got some important info to tell you. By the way it is good to here from you again don't be a stranger.