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Full Version: Take Your Choice, Offshore in Miami or Wade Fish in Marco, The Fishing Is GOOD!
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It certainly is nice to get back out on the water and do some fishing. Fall weather is definitely in the air and with it comes some wind that has had its effects on my trips.

On the first trip, we ran straight out from Haulover Inlet to 250'. The blue water, north current, and an E wind @ 15 - 20 MPH were just the conditions I was looking for. Out went two flatlines and the downrigger. I had just plugged in the kite reel when the bow flatline took off and we were hooked up to a sailfish. Twenty minutes later, the sail posed for boat side pictures and was released. The seas got the best of one of the anglers before I could finish resetting the flats and downrigger again. After running back inshore and spending about 20 minutes on solid ground, it was time to finish the trip in the Dumbfoundling Bay area. True to form, the tarpon showed themselves often, however, were not in a feeding mood. Moving further north and checking out the canals, resulted in 1 snook release before we called it a day.

Winds of 25 knots plus resulted in my next trip being cancelled.

Saturday, we went out to take pictures for a sailfish article I am writing that will appear in the Winter 2005 edition of the South Florida Sport Fishing Magazine. The pictures were of set ups and rigging. On the first drift, while setting out the first bait, a toothy critter chopped us off. We finished some of the pictures and reset to 300' to concentrate on the kite pictures. By the time I got the kite up, we were interrupted by a dolphin on the bow flatline. A few more pictures of kite rigs and another interruption by a school of dolphin. We kept three and didn't put any other baits out so we could finish with the pictures. Two drifts, three dolphin, and lots of pictures and we went in to grab lunch.

Sunday, was a full day of wade fishing at Marco. The fish were much more cooperative than back in September. The open Gulf as well as the newly formed sandbars and channel produced a wide variety of fish. During the course of the day, six different species of fish were caught. The action included jack crevalle, ladyfish, flounder, whiting, spanish mackerel, and bluefish. We also used numerous types of artificial baits, all of which produced fish. While the morning produced some nice fish, the afternoon gave us quantities of fish. Double and triple header action was very consistent until the porpoise moved into the area. The action should continue to be very good through October, so give me a call and schedule your trip before it's to late to take advantage of this type of fishing.

Captain Dave Kostyo
Knot Nancy Fishing Charters
305 620-5896 Charter
305 732-2628 Beeper
305 965-9454 Cell