www.jrguideservice.com is now booking night trips on Lake LBJ for largemouth, white bass, crappie and stripers. We are the only guides in south-central Texas with the knowledge and experience to offer trips at the very best time of the day; between midnight and 9:00 AM. that is the time period when all species are the most active and when the lake is safest and most comfortable for the fishermen. On a typical night we catch 20-30 fish in a mixed bag (all species). You never know what the next cast will bring and the action is consistent. This time last year our clients broke a line class lake record for stripers. To inquire contact Jim Files at (830) 833-5688 or email jimfish@moment.net.<br><br>JR'S FISHING GUIDE SERVICE <br>Largest guide service in South Central Texas.
I saw your post was close to a year ago. Are you still offering night trips. Hows the fishing so far? Having any success?<br><br>Gamakatsu <*(((>{<br>Knowledge is power, pass it on.
Thanks for the info Jim, I was aware that the post referred to last year, Just wondered if you were still in action. Night fishing is restricted here in Wa, On the majority of fishable water. I don't pay close attention to the texas message board bet i'll keep that site in mind for the future.<br><br>Gamakatsu <*(((>{<br>Knowledge is power, pass it on.
"In action"? Yes indeed. We operate our guide business 12 months a year, fish tournaments 10 months out of each year<br>and do seminars for our industry related sponsors in between. There is hardly any let up on fishing during the year down here.<br><br>We are fulltime guides, not one of those that works a 9:00 to 5:00 in an office an calls himself a "guide" in order to catch the occassional unsuspecting client so he can make a boat payment. We actually fish for a living; are on the water daily to keep up with fish movements and patterns and provide our clients the best opportunity for a successful trip.<br><br><br>Jim Files<br>JR'S GUIDE SERVICE<br>www.jrguideservice.com<br><br>JR'S FISHING GUIDE SERVICE <br>Texas Highland Chain and Canyon Lake.