Mike: 3 weeks ago I introduced Bud to the Message Boards. In talking with him over the phone, he says he has registered and can read the messages but he cannot reply or send messages. Can you do something about it? He's one guy who can really contribute. George Van Zant
Hi George, Long time since we last yacked.
What is going on here is that a number of the boards require a person to be a registered member in some cases to be able to read and or post and or reply on them.
what he needs to do or you can do for him is register a user name. set it up so he can get an email so that he can validate by clicking on the validation link when it is emailed to him...
If you would like me to do it send me a few of his spicifics in a privet message and I will set it up for him. Name, Email address, State, and user name. and a pass word he will remember easily.
by using his email address he can retreive his password incase he forgets it. so you dont realy want to use a hotmail address unless you think it realy nessary. This site dosn not sell email addresses to any one for any reason...