The action in and around the Bear River area in Petoskey really heated up this past week. I'm serious. There were so many salmon running the waters most were begging to be caught before they were run over by the others behind them. I kept away form the throngs and made my way elsewhere on the river(you know I can't give away my secret spot) where there were less fish, but more importantly, fewer people. I caught two, but needed no more. They are really getting dark as the days pass.
This weekend more grouse hunting for me and getting the ice fishing gear arranged and in working order. Hear tell we've got quite the squall coming in this weekend.
I was just up there last weekend, from what I hear I bugged out a couple hours too soon [unsure]
even the outdoors show down this way was saying salmon are at their peek this week...
But wouldnt ya know it I would have to have another engagement. I have to go watch 15 movies in a marathon. all I have to do is stay awake and alert for 36 hours.... but if they show that new Geller movie "Grudge" I doubt I will ever sleep again... I know a guy who looks and acts exactly like that ghoul in the movie....[shocked]
You know if it wasn't for previous engagements we would just have to be out in the woods or on the water even more. There are still a few stragglers in the upper waters of some rivers to be landed, but my freezer is full. I think I'll wait till the spring to go after any more river fish.
The grouse hunting by me has been very good this year compared to the past 6-7 years. I'm heading back into the aspen this weekend.
hey , i had some "clown" stop by our place last friday , awsome friend indeed . yep he just missed out on the au sable start by a day or two , dang fish teased me too . i'm thinking of raising a covert opps coho for next falls run .
the fish *coho )we saw on the east side were way bigger than the kings we were seeing on the west side this year .
i did hear the charter captins association was complaining about all the kings migrating from the huron over to lake michigan to the dnr . if that lady gov of ours gets involved , fines will be leveyed against the fish next year .
I think I am done with salmon this year as well.
I might get out on the local lakes a couple times befor ice sets in. (hopefuly ice sets in)
deer season is right around the corner. and squril season should be good now that the leaves have changed and are dropping. I might take the dog out for a walk and let her point out me a couple southern fried dinners.
a bed of rice , some red eye gravy and tree chickens sounds real good . i betcha dawg can't wait ta' go !!!!!!!