My bro got his first antalope on saturaday, taken at 300yds with a .243, 1 shot, before drying and with a medal tape measure it was 14.5"
![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=6733;]](;postatt_id=6733;)
Nice antalope. I've already seen my fair share of those this year driving to my fishing holes.
Wow thats a nice looking dog! Kinda looks like lucky with horns![sly] Wow your bro must have been practicing his shots.Were did he get him at again?
The hunt was on the parker range the toughest one to get into in utah. we hunted about 40 miles south of where the turn to fish lake is, just south of bicknell. the scenery was incredable, quakies and pines and sage brush, prarrie dogs and all the antalope you want to see. To the east of camp was capitol reef and the boulder mountain.
Antalopes arnt much bigger then an old billy goat, so it wouldnt be much bigger then lucky with horns