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Our own ssor (Dwight Ross) was nominated for the prestegious Frend of 4-H Award in the county of oakland of the state of Michigan

The awards ceromony will be heald October 20th of 2002

ssor was concitered for his nomination do in part for his generosity and fortitude in the aid and assistance to one of Oakland County 4-H educational fishing tournaments.

ssor donated a computer to one of Oakland County's 4-H handycaped fishing events and drove over 1600 miles round trip to deliver the computer in person.

Good Luck ssor on your nomination!!!
You are fast!!!!![Smile] I just got the info today about it and am shocked[shocked]. It is not anything that was expected but I am pleased about it. I did not do what I did for recognition. I do it to help the kids that so desperatly need help. If I can help make the future a little brighter for only one disabled or diSadvantaged child with my Computer program then I have what I want. That feeling of seeing my program doing what I had hoped it would is all that I want. I get that feeling every day now and boy is it great. If good feelings wher tangable I think I would be one of the richest people on earth. My program at might be small but it has a punch that affects everyone that has contact with it.[angelic]

You have an error in your post as the trip was only around 800 miles round trip. It was the longest personal delivery I have made but, it was one that has alowed me to realy absorb the great feelings that the children can give.
[size 2]Hello Dave,

Thanks for the heads up!

Congratulations Dwight!!! I don't find that at all surprising, you are a great asset to these boards and always willing to help out! Thank you for making the future of fishing a lot brighter![/size]
Thanks for the complements.
I figure since The Doc won't let me get a paying job. I will do everything I can to help make others lives as easy as I can. It will take time but My little program will make a differance for The future of others.