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Full Version: Lincoln Beach 10-15
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[cool][blue][size 2]Tubebabe and myself had a decent morning at Lincoln Beach. Hit the water at 7:30 AM. Air temp 40 and water temp 55. Jed Burton cruised up in his luxury pontoon craft. He had been out since 6 AM, with no bites...even mosquitoes.

Lots of casts and only a couple of bumps until 9 AM. TubeBabe announced on the radio that she had just landed an 11 inch white bass on all purple. I changed the top jig on my tandem rig to all purple. Two casts later, I felt a solid thump and wrestled in a feisty 19 inch walleye. Things were looking up.

Had several more good whacks but no hookups. Finally, got two 22 inchers in quick succession. Kept the first one and released the skinny second one. Called Tubebabe over to see if she could score a couple. I paddled off in search of another small fish or two.

I had caught my last walleye about 11:30. Just before noon, TubeBabe radioed that she was hooked up to a BIG walleye. She gladly accepted when I offered assistance in subduing it and putting it in her basket. She lifted it in the net for a picture, but would not risk losing her biggest ever 'eye, by holding it up for a classic fish photo.

We got a few more tentative pokes in the next hour, but figured we were good for dinner. Had other things to do at home so we beached and boogied. Water temp at 1 PM was 57.5 and air temp was 75.

TubeBabe got big fish honors for the day. Her toothy mama measured 26 inches and weighed 6.5 pounds. It definitely made her trip worthwhile.

My 19" 'eye weighed 3.1 pounds and the 22" weighed 3.6. I doubt that the skinny one I released weighed even 3 pounds.

There were quite a few guys wading and casting in front of the springs today. Saw several white bass taken, but only one other fish. I think it was a walleye, but I was not close enough for a postitive ID.

Saw lots of smaller fish on the sonar today. The whites seem to be moving in. The guys along the shore were tossing spinners with good results.

All of our walleyes today came on the new metallic paint jig heads and different color variations of plastics produced by about a dozen new plastic dye colors I just got. Purple seemed to be the main color...either purple sparkle or purple with a chartreuse tail. I used 1/8 oz. heads on the bottom of my tandem rigs and 1/16 oz. on the upper jig.

TubeBabe's big mama came on a 4" purple pearl and chartreuse plastic, fished solo, with a 1/16 oz head, fished slow. She cheated though. She added a strip of crawler.

I took out one of my med light 7 foot baitcasting rods I made while down in Arizona. I had not thrown it yet at LB and it turned out to be the rig I caught all three of my walleyes on. I kept going back and forth, but the action was on the revolving spool reel setup. There is just something about the feel and the control with the light baitcaster that usually seems to improve my results.

Saturday should be calm like today, altough there is a possiblity of some W and even R before Sunday is over. My prediction is that the 'eyes are moving in and it should only get better.

How far out were you? I might just head out there sunday morning if i am feeling better.
you guys did a lot better than me. I had one really good hit that I wasn't expecting just as tubebabe passed me on her way down and that was it for the day. I finally just headed out around 11:30. This was the first trip I have been on this year that I got totally skunked. so I went home and ate the walleye that I caught at lindon the other day. It was nice seeing you TD. I will have to see if I can redeem myself.
[cool][blue][size 2]Most of the best hits and all the fish we caught were in about 4 to 5 feet of water, near rocks and dropoffs. I know I was driving some of the locals wacko when I netted fish about two long casts in front of them. After keeping the one under 20 inches, I also put one of the larger ones in the basket and immediately had a chorus of voices yelling that I had to release it. Sure. That group would not release their tenth fish over 20 inches.

We did not crowd the wading anglers, but I am sure that if we had moved in closer we could have scored some hits.

The one fish I saw caught, besides white bass, came off the farthert point out into the water, about the second spring area. We drove and hiked along the shore there after getting out of our tubes and I did see some badly abused carp.

I could not suggest that you soak bait, in expectatio of getting a lot of cats. The water temp is now firmly below 60 degrees, and the cats are S-L-O-W.

In truth, we did get some hits we assumed were white bass quite a ways out. TubeBabe's lone white bass came when she was about half way across the lake, on her way to Pelican Point.

If the weather is not too sloppy, we may be back down on Sunday morning, fishing with UTWalleye.

[cool]Yeah, looks like TubeBabe kicked your butt again, Pat! Look on the brightside, though at least she'll probably share some of that big 'eye with ya for dinner!

Congrats on a nice day out on the pond. It's great to hear that the 'eyes are finally coming in closer. Gotta get me some of those purple colored plastics. Last Friday eve when I was at Sportsmans in Midvale I couldn't find any purple plastics with the Chartruese(sp?) or green tails. Even asked a guy to help me (who seemed clueless) and he couldn't find any either[unsure]. Did meet CBR though, so it wasn't all bad. Can't wait to get back out to Lincoln. only appointment on Monday is in the evening, maybe I can sneek away from the wife and go try to get me an 'eye!
Wow TD looks like you and TB had a blast out there and TB's eye is a really nice one.
Good Show!!! Seems like it's just getting better out there. Did someone plant some eyes? [url "javascript: top.editor_iframe.addTag('crazy')"][crazy][/url] I may give it a try if I an pull myself away from the Urban Fishery.
WOW dUDE. What a great trip for both you and Tubebabe. I really need to get in to some eye's. I have never eaten any. My son liked the pic's

Nice report . Good to hear you are hooking up on some eyes now and Tubebabe's nice big fish . What a nice fish .
Hey thanks for the info maybe we will see ya out there.

Right on Tube Dude/Babe, a couple of nice fish you caught there. at least some of the fish are looking healthy.
later chuck
Well done! Sounds like you all had a fun time. Next time you folks make it out (after this weekend of course) I may just have to pack up the toon and make it back out for another run at the eyes and whites.
Nice fish TD! I've always thought purple was a largely overlooked color for walleyes. Glad you took some nice fish. Tasty devils, too. Walleyes....yum!
[cool][blue][size 2]Hey Ken, I'm not sure if Chuck is braver/more desperate than I am, but I begged off the trip tomorrow. Me and wind do not get along so good. You might PM him or call him if you have his number.

Purple rules on a lot of waters. Don't know why more people don't use it. Hot pink too. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not from San Francisco. But, I have been doing serious damage on Utah Lake with those colors since about 25 years ago.

I am going to be putting up a post soon about using worm dyes and custom coloring plastics. I just got about 10 new colors from Fish Hawk and have been doing some experimenting. The purples and purple/chartreuses I will be posting pics on were the hot colors on Friday.
