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just my personal opinion but,,,,
how dare you ask us to give up our right to vote !!! this ain't your canada where they didn't have to fight for there indipendance like we did . i aint giving up my danged rights , no way , no how !!!!!!
and to say it will hurt our schools if we don't do it YOUR way ? like the school funding cuts ya slamed us with when ya' took office did a lot of good for our children ?
kids are our countrys greatest resourse and treasure . us working stiffs PAY THE TAXES to get these kids off to a good start in life and you waste tax dollers putting on bogus comercials with trickey word play to keep your job and send your kids thru PRIVATE SCHOOL , and ya' still wanna short our kids education .
words like " it's enough to pay for 11,000 teachers ".
yea , it's enough to do that , but it will be spent somewhere else won't it !!!!!!
yea, lets flood the state with more gambiling stuff , theres a lot more familys that need to get deeper in debt . more lottery games too , heck theres always more money to be spent on your so called friends that run the show .your just looking to get more of a cut from the licinces , fees and taxes .
i sure don't like the negative refrence to our native americans ya' make in your comercials either . your duty is to represent us all fairley , i take the remarks as bigotory . i personally know the good the (as you call them )"the indians " do in the surrounding comunites here in the northern half of the state . shame ,shame on you goveror .
gov. gram , i'm voting yes on proposal 1 and keeping my right to vote . come next election i'm diong my best to see that you don't get re-elected , i'm voting agin' ya ' .
ya' really burn my biscuts tring to pull stuff like this . ya' don't give a squat about our kids , our state , or our God given fought and died for right to vote. pack your truckload of mary k . up and head back home , we don't need someone like you to sell our state land to a foreign company for less that it's worth , we don't need you selling it at all , fact is , we don't need you . go back home to canada .
well , thats my personal opinion , i'm voting yes on proposal 1 .
[center][black][pirate]The Trojan Proposal[pirate][/black][/center]
[black]This is a bitter issue with out a doubt because it is a double bladed sward.

There is no winning side to this proposal and should be stricken from the ballot.

Forget what they are saying about the funding going to the schools, that is total bunk. it goes to the Michigan general fund.

Here is what is going to happen, you vote to allow the state government to control the casino's locations and numbers and you will not have a choice where and when they will pop up if you vote no.

If you vote yes to this proposal you allow local governments who have people who have been voting consistently since the end of the civil war deciding the issue for you. (NO JOKE this is true in many local government. people who have been dead for a 150 years have been voting until the inconsistencies are caught by voting regulators.

The gambling joints in Detroit were shoved right down the residents’ allies. Detroit citizens voted against the casinos for years and still they got them. Yet what happened to the money? They cant come up with a dime for a gallon of paint for the walls let alone guaranteeing that the kids will even get a text book to reed.

Crooked local officials and state officials win together are suckering this states voters to vote in a proposal that has hidden agendas incorporated in its elusive printing resulting in a deception of the true meaning of its intent. And that is to remove the responsibility of the state to have to use these funds for what they were intended for.

A don’t vote on this proposal by the entire state is the only way to keep this deception that they do not speak of from happening.

The state wants to divert the monies from schools to their personal programs and this is how they intend to do it legally. They have already been doing it illegally for years...

I say Dam this proposal and put the money back in to the schools where it was supposed to go!

This state's government has been for way to long all to guilty of writing proposals with a double bladed edge.