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Does anyone know of any safe ice yet with all this cold in the mountains?
I think you may be a tad bit anxious and jumping the gun just a little bit there DJR. Looking forward to the hard water myself!
Give it another month and we should start having safe ice. Usually Schofield is one of the very first to ice up, and at the earliest you can plan on the week of Thanksgiving. Soon my friend.
i sure hope not,i havent put the boat away yet,,,,,just waiting for the water to cool down a little more ,and the macks that the gorge to start spawning.
i was fishing echo last year in the middle of december.... but that was on 2 inches of ice.. i cant wait for the hard water season to come.
There have to be lakes up in the uintas that have frozen over already, but they probably are not accessible anymore. I want to try Mill Hollow, but I'm pretty sure you would need a snow mobile or snow shoes and the energy of a humming bird in mating season.
[cool]Don't we all wish, my friend! You've gotta hold on to your shorts, 'cause it ain't quite that time yet. Hunington is one of the first to freeze, and I'm sure if you pm'd fuzzyfisher he could tell ya if it's getting close or not. Like thekillerbee said, Scofield will usually have a good 4-6 inches of ice on Turkey Day. Can't wait for that!!!
talked to my buddy that works up at the mine and drives past huntington every day... he said that it's starting to ice up around the edges and in the shallows.. but if the clouds lift and the cold stays up there could be safe ice in 2 1/2 to 3 weeks.. look for cleveland res to ice up about a week later..cleveland used to have some great ice fishing and now they got the dam fixed and the water is back up it might be a good eary season spot as well as scofiled... E-lake will be about 2 to 3 weeks after that. E-lake is alot deeper than the other lakes so it takes longer to turn over and ice up..

so get your ice fishing stuff ready it wont be long now!!!

dude on fish?
last year we walked on huntington the last week of november,woodruf will freeze the same time. it is almost here!!!!
Bah Ice Humbug! LOL.

Actually, not really looking forward to ice just yet, I feel my boat can go out five or six more times for those 'eyes up at Starvation and at Deer Creek.

Please don't let this two places get iced over before I'm done til March! As for present ice, I do not beleive that up high unitas, there are any solid ice just yet. Give it another three to six week before real safe ice appear.
I hiked up to Wall and Ibantik lake in the uintas and Ibantik had a little ice on the edges. this was monday.
Certainly a little early yet. But with the weather we're getting . . . the ponds - they are a freezin'!
Have ice fished Scofield on Turkey day the past two years but there was little ice and a lot of open water. I always take tackle for both and call out to others on the ice before I walk out on it. If there isn't five inches or more I just put the auger away and fish in the open water. Fishing the open water next to the ice isn't as good as spring but can still be productive.
Last thanksgiving there was 4-5 inches at Scolfield and I didn't see any open water at all around the island area... Fishing was good.