I got my hunt over good and early this year. Picked up a decent 3x4. 22" wide and 21"tall, not the biggest buck I have ever killed, but a dandy deer for general season Utah. Killed him a mile or so from the road about 8:30 opening morning and it was almost noon before I had him quartered up and packed out, only had one decent hill to go over, but it's still the hardest I've had to work to get a deer out in a few years. I'll try to post some pics when my girlfriend shows me how to download the digital camera.
Congrats, thats not a bad deer at all, at least you didnt have to settle for a spikey on the last day, what area were you hunting at, and now you have more time to go and fish.
Awesome, way to go.
I still haven't got mine yet. But as soon as I can get a minute I'll have to throw on the whites and see if I can stick one up in the Wasatch Front.
Congrats again.
I just returned from deer camp, with a 24" wide by 24" tall 4 X 4. My hunting buddy also got a 26" wide by 24" tall 4 X 4 all on public land. everyone in our group got a deer. I will post picts later!!!
Hey polo congrats! What region were you hunting?
We were in the North Eastern region in the close vacinity to duchesne
Congrats Rob on a great deer hunt.
Thanks Kent, I was so tired after being part of dragging 2 trophy bucks my
isnt huge, but after the afternoon nap I cannot quit smiling or looking at the picture. We got both bucks to the taxidermist, but my buddies trailer is snowed in for the winter up by Mill Hollow Res. We managed to get to it to winterize it, and get things out of it, but that is it. It is too bad cause it is a almost brand new 5th wheel with tip outs and all the ammenities. I just hope nothing happens to it for his sake
Pray for a miracle, because unfortunately, that is what it will take for that trailer to not be vandalized.
Dang Rob those are two nice deer. Congratulations!!! I used to go out just past Roosevelt then up the the south slope from there and do very well. Lately we've been going over by Daniels Canyon. This year not at all. I'm jealous. Next year I'll be done with school and I'll get out for sure.
sweet trophys there...hey rob what pound test did you snag that bad boy with...looks like he did a death spin in the cable...[angelic][
Nice bucks[cool] With out being to specific were you hunting over by your dads place.
NICE bucks, way to go! now we need to get a shotgun in your hand and learn how to hunt ducks with me and jeremy.
I got a pretty nice 3x4 on the opener down south. The week flew past very fast being with old friends and making new ones. Too bad its all over with one shot[
]. Thats whats so good about the duck hunt, it lasts 3 months![
] Now its back to the marsh. I sure love wild meat!!
The adrenaline high isn't bad either.