Need a 20'' shaft motor for my drift boat. Would like a self contianed one if possible. I dont want to have lines and a tank lying around.
Peace Out
the newer modles 4 horse and up all come with tanks,
there are older modles "50's and some 60's" 4 & 5 horse that have self contained tanks. and as long as you dont plan going far they work fine. meaning if you plan on dropping of up river and pulling out down river you may be able to get buy with even smaller motors like a 2.5 johnson.
you will want to concider you application because if you are planning on going down river or going up and floating back down you will need a can sitting in the boat because the motors only hold from a quart to half gallon of fuel.
I think this is going to be a crusial issue for you, especialy if you are any thing like me and dont like getting gas on your hands while your fishing.
now is the right time to look for them, any one who has one and wants to get it out of the shed or garage may practialy give them away. just be sure to over hual them before heading out and fully trusting them...
I forgot to add, that it may also help you in your qurie to add your geographic local. I am sure you dont want to drive 200 miles to pick one up....