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Does anybody know if Yankee meadows is accessible after that storm or if the brookies are up shallow yet? Any predictions? Other fishing hole recommendations?
My guess is that the road is pretty well packed from all of the hunters. I was there 1 week ago last friday and the brookies were just starting to stage for the spawn. I caught one near the inlet and several along the east shoreline. Give them one more week and they will be in a spawning fury. I used a small marabou style jig with a tiny piece of worm for flavor. Give it a try it should be getting good.

the road's packed as in packed with snow?


hey big T
whats happenin down south? might come down to mead in the here near future. give me a pm
big T is down to 225 from 261 lbs. and its cool,

fishing aint tooo great

Yeah snow and probably quite a bit. They had 42" at Brian Head.
Don't forget to add the snow from this weeks storm.

I'd take a quad if your going try and make that road.
man that post was short and summed up your last adventures. awww. thats good to hear. so we thinking of another adventure this coming spring.
late may for one with the gang . . all of us somewhere depending on weather

and then im renting the boat next year at fish lake - late june, since i got us up there too early this year

we should all go to walker lake and catch lahontans in january!

yeah that could be a fun trip.
That trip sounds good to me also.

Maybe we should bag the Fish Lake trip and go to Flaming Gorge instead.