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Full Version: I know it still early but.....................
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Does anyone know if fishlake is starting to freeze yet! I am getting very anxious to hit that lake ! When does it usually freeze over? I know it takes a long time to thaw out though.
Fishlake doesn't normally have safe ice until New Years day.
[cool]I'm not sure when, but I think it's after Scofield (Turkey Day). I'm gonna hit that lake the saturday after Thanksgiving weekend since I'll be outta town for T Day.

I'll bet fuzzyfisher or some of the others knows about when fish lake freezes.
yeah tommy's right on the money with around new years day.. fish lake is one of the last lakes to freeze over here in the central part of utah..

as i have said before look to huntington first this year to have safe ice.. then scofield will be right behind in about a week.. then most the smaller lakes around the state will be safe then after all that in 5 weeks most all the lakes that are going to get safe ice will have it.. or close to it!!

so we have any where from 2 to 3 weeks for huntington to freeze and 3 to 4 weeks for scofield.. so not very long now!!

dude on fish?
The wind is often the biggest factor for ice over when the lakes are large. It can rip up rather well established ice without much trouble.
Due to its depth and the fact that deep water lakes commonly take longer to ice over, I usually figure on hitting FL about the first week or two of Jan. I like to stand on its first 4" of clear ice and watch my catch dart around under me, before it lands in the fry pan. Please pass the cornbread!!