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Fished the lower weber this morning from 8 till 9. THe fishing was great. I went there with the intentions of catching lunch and did it in less than an hour. All fish were healthy rainbows about 12 to 13 inches and one was a fat 15 inches.
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nice catch jim. what where you using
They were all caught on a panther martin spinner.
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=7082;]
They made a great lunch.
What part of the Weber do you consider "lower"? Where were you at?
ill be right over for lunch[Wink][Wink]
I hate seeing fish harvested out of that river, I do not think they are planted in the Weber.
Icerod, Actually the total opposite is true. The weber where I fish is planted quite often, and there is very little fishing pressure where I fish. You can go there on a weekend and only see one or two other people if any all day. I have fished that river and harvested lots of fish there every fall for my whole life and have seen very little fluctuation in my catch. Check out CBR"S fish stocking report for more stocking info.
there are quite a few section where they plant rainbows in the weber. its the large browns that aggravate me when they are harvested. though its legal the dwr really should put a slot limit on the browns in there.
X I agree about the large browns. That is the area where I have noticed a huge decline. I never did catch great numbers of them but now they are almost impossible to find. I haven't caught a brown over a foot long for over a year. I don't know what has caused more problems for them. To many ending up in the freezer or on the wall or the thousands of rainbow planted in there every year. For the record I don't keep any of the browns I catch in there. If you want browns to eat go to the ogden theres way to many in there.
OK, I agree with all of the above. After considering everything I have no problem with taking rainbows. I only average 1 brown a year that is over 16" on the Lower Weber (canyon). I probably see 4 - 8 of these big browns being carried on a stick every year, breaks my heart.
what happened is a massive "restoration" project throughout a whole year. taking out a excellent spawn. this section is not stalked with browns and no part of the weber is that i know of. with increased pressure, diversion of water and of course increased harvest because of increased pressure of the area is a recipe for disaster for what we, the people who fished it in the years past, know about that area. that section use to be so sweet. i havent been down there in 2 years since.
this summer i caught 2 browns in the weber right there near fort buenaventura... both were 26inches long and about 6lbs. and my buddy caught one down there that was at least 8! in the big deep holes. that section.. the lower... lower weber is full of chubs and really big browns, in fact when we go down there we rarely catch any browns. but the ones we do catch are BIG... but there are tons of stocked rainbows in that section. and a few other surprises as well. carp, suckers, green eared sunfish, largemouthbass, and channel cats.