11-11-2004, 10:30 PM
This is from the DWR's weekly fishing report.[laugh]
Nov. 10
HUNTINGTON RESERVOIR (on the Wasatch Plateau) The reservoir has iced over. Ice anglers are urged to be patient and wait for safe conditions. The reservoir is closed to the possession of cutthroat trout and trout with cutthroat markings.
SCOFIELD RESERVOIR - Sergeant Carl Gramlich reports that ice conditions are dynamic, due to widely fluctuating temperatures. Morning anglers may find ice along shorelines and in shallow bays. Warming daytime temperatures or wind action may open things back up by afternoon. Anglers are urged to think twice about the danger associated with venturing out on thin ice. As of last weekend, there were still lots of boaters, tubers and pontooners on the water. In the mornings and evenings, dead redside shiners or a nightcrawler/marshmallow combo have been the best baits. During the day, orange sparkle PowerBait was most effective. Most trout have been rainbows in the 14-inch-size class.
Nov. 10
HUNTINGTON RESERVOIR (on the Wasatch Plateau) The reservoir has iced over. Ice anglers are urged to be patient and wait for safe conditions. The reservoir is closed to the possession of cutthroat trout and trout with cutthroat markings.
SCOFIELD RESERVOIR - Sergeant Carl Gramlich reports that ice conditions are dynamic, due to widely fluctuating temperatures. Morning anglers may find ice along shorelines and in shallow bays. Warming daytime temperatures or wind action may open things back up by afternoon. Anglers are urged to think twice about the danger associated with venturing out on thin ice. As of last weekend, there were still lots of boaters, tubers and pontooners on the water. In the mornings and evenings, dead redside shiners or a nightcrawler/marshmallow combo have been the best baits. During the day, orange sparkle PowerBait was most effective. Most trout have been rainbows in the 14-inch-size class.