The pond is fishing really well right now lots of big trout in it, Take a kid.
shhhh. big fish.[cool]
whats working best, bait or artificial?
rapalas and spoons
I still think of myself as a kid dose that count
did they just stock it with another brood stocking?
interesting. seems a different kind of fish is put into there every year or everyseason for that matter.
The fish and game knows that all the fish get caught out so they do not have to worry what they put in there.
about 3yrs. ago i caught some 2 albino's out of there both were over 5 lbs!!!!! one was 5 and the other was 7!!! and they would only eat one thing. and it was the stupidest thing i have ever done. i used orange power bait under a bobber!! i just put a split shot about 3 inches up from my bait so it would keep the powerbait down.i always laugh at poeple doing that... but i have to say it works in planted spots.