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Full Version: Old School Salmon Fishing
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Fishermoms story reminded me on something I used to do when I lived up in Washington by the Puyullup river.

We had a small stream branching off the puyullup and coming through the farm. Some years there was a good supply of salmon coming up that stream to spawn.

When I was a young teenager I would go to the narrow section and catch salmon with my hands! (DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME, WE WERE NOT PAID PROFESSIONALS![Wink]

One of the first times I was doing it I leaned down and grabbed a salmon by the tail and i must of leaned a little too far because the next thing I knew I was on my back in the middle of the stream without my salmon. The foreman thought that was really funny and just to top it off I had to dry off and finish working the rest of the day!

Do not do it now because I do not know if it is legal!
Daniel... that does sound like a lot of fun! AND I bet it's harder than it sound too! Just to grab a salmon that is HOOKED is hard to do. They are very strong!