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Full Version: Ice on Lost Creek
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Well, sort of. I could'nt take it no more so I drove up there tonight to see what it looked like. I was trying to "will" some ice on the lake. When I got there I had a hard time finding the water. Dang that lake is low. There is only ice in a couple of places and it doesn't look like more than a half inch or so. I took some pictures of the lake. Also we ran into a flock of turkeys on the road. Here is a picture of them also. Maybe by years end it will have ice, but for now it looks like we are driving a ways to fish. Has anyone drove around to the inlet area to see if there is ice back there? I had the wife's car so I stayed on the dam.
It has been a long time since there has been much water in Lost creek, lets hope we have a good winter this year, maybe next winter the lake will look better. That is a nice group of turkeys, how close were they to the road? WH2
There is less ice than when I was there a week ago.
The turkeys were all over both sides of the road and some in the road. A car came buy just as I was approaching them and two of them just about got hit. I stopped just out of sight and walked back to take the picture. I would guess I was about 25 yards from them when I took the picture. I took a picture of the flock as thew flew across the road but it didn't turn out too well. We also saw alot of deer. I was in a hurry to get to the lake before it got dark so I didn't look at the deer too much.
It would be a good place to take the kids to see animals.