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Full Version: Bear Lake 12-17-04
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[cool][#0000ff]ICE? We don' need no steenking ice. (sure would be nice to see it on the big blue pond again this year though)[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Joined BLM and Jeff, and we launched the Boomerang about 7:30. The marina had a clean dry ramp and no ice inside.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Went through some low clouds at the top of the hill coming in, but no fog on the lake. Air temp at launch was about 18, water temp still 40. General cloud cover early, but broken clouds and sunshine most of the day. Had one little dark cloud that went over in mid afternoon, with some W. Other than than it was calm most of the day.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Started jigging straight out from the marina. BLM lit up his first fish attractor (angler repellent), but it did not bring any attention to our jigs. Headed across the lake to Cisco Beach. Didn't see any fish near the bottom in shallower water, but did see a few at 50 feet in over a hundred feet of depth.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Also saw a young deer walking out in the water, near shore. It waded on down the shoreline to the south, past a solitary small boat fishing the shallow area off Cisco Beach. After a half hour of fruitless jigging, we motored over to the small boat and chatted with Bear Lake Fish Guy. He had been fishing for whitefish, but landed his first one just as we approached. He had also noticed the deer and had called a wildlife officer. He speculated that the young deer had probably lost its mother on the highway.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We left BLFG and blasted down to second point. Same story. No fish in the currently productive 70 to 80 foot zones. Gave up after another half hour of jiggersize. Fired up and headed over to the same depth out off Gus Rich point. BLM lowered the trolling motor and was moving the boat around to try to find some fish, when an inline fuse blew out and left him without power to either the front sonar or the trolling motor.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Shortly after we anchored up, in the increasing light breeze, BLM scored the first hookup. Turned out to be a pup mack. Got the skunk out of the boat anyway. Neither Jeff or I had scored more than a light bump at that point. It was already after noon.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The aforementioned cloud and W moved through and pushed the Boomerang hard enough to drag the anchor. After BLM let out more anchor rope, we were over a new spot. He promptly bent his stick again, into a nice 9# mack. as we were rocking and rolling in the sudden brief wind squall. Jeff and I grumbled. BLM missed a third good fish, and I suspect he deliberately shook it off to avoid mutiny on the Boomerang.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]After no further action, and not seeing any more fish on the sonar, we pulled the hook and motored toward the rock pile. We hoped to find at least a cutt or two, or maybe a whitefish. There was a small boat drifting and backtrolling over the area with light spinning tackle. We saw them bring in a couple of whites.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]BLM finished off his day with a couple of cutts in the 20 inch range. I finally went bendo and brought a similar cutt to the boat. Poor Jeff had only one bite all day. We headed in about 4 and congratulated ourselves on knowing how to pick good days for fishing, even if somebody forgot to order the fish right. Good fun.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We did not keep any fish. BLM's two macks came on white tubes, with cisco meat. I finally got my cutt on a new "Mackrunner" jig...a Roadrunner head tied up with long white marabou and Krystalflash. BLM's two cutts both came on silver flaked Roadrunner heads fished with silver flecked white tubes. The cutts apparently liked the flash.[/#0000ff]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]It was a fun trip. The weather, for the most part was beautiful but it did blow for an hour or so. [/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]For those of you waiting for BL to freeze, don't hold your breathe. Water temp is over 40 degrees and a sustained cold front will be needed to knock down the temp. My unprofessional opinion is, if it freezes, it won't be till mid to late January. [/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]The down side is, the marina will be the first to freeze up again. The launch at Cisco was also clear and fully useable.[/size][/black][/font]
[Smile] I also Went to the Bear Friday and was just walking down the bank towards Bearlakefishguy as you all pulled up. Watched Scott catch the one White as you pulled up also. Things slowed down for him and us also. Me and a friend of mine where skunked![unsure] Not a bite for me and my buddy got one nice hit that he missed. I did get some nice photos of a bald eagle in the tree on the way out down by first point. I am going to e-mail the photos to BLM and have him help me post them. Also I will place a photo of a nice 9lb mac my daughter caught on the Bear from October.

Jim Stone also came over and fished for a while after you guys left. It was slow for a while then picked up. they landed a few then we left to get home to get to a Christmas party. GOing back up the week after Christmas for a few days to fish and hopefully fill my late season cow elk tag.