12-23-2004, 03:07 AM
04-19-2006, 04:44 PM
[cool][#0000ff]Hey, you are doing a great job here. Lots of good ideas. Some are reminders from the days of my youth, in Idaho. Every summer I would go hiking/camping back in wilderness areas for two to three weeks, pretty much living off the land (and water). I was young but went with older cousins who were already seasoned survivalists. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I learned about setting snares, trapping fish, starting fires, and all that good stuff. Had a big deadfall set for a deer one night and it conked a bear on the head and really set him off. We heard the commotion and knew what had happened. We (stupidly) climbed up in trees and waited all night in the cold. The next morning we checked the deadfall and found the bear hair, some blood and about a half acre of ground ripped up. We moved camp that day.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Also learned about pine pitch for starting fires. Up til then all I knew is chewing it, to make pine gum. Nasty stuff, but it was cheap and available.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I learned about setting snares, trapping fish, starting fires, and all that good stuff. Had a big deadfall set for a deer one night and it conked a bear on the head and really set him off. We heard the commotion and knew what had happened. We (stupidly) climbed up in trees and waited all night in the cold. The next morning we checked the deadfall and found the bear hair, some blood and about a half acre of ground ripped up. We moved camp that day.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Also learned about pine pitch for starting fires. Up til then all I knew is chewing it, to make pine gum. Nasty stuff, but it was cheap and available.[/#0000ff]
04-20-2006, 02:07 AM
Thank you, The pine pitch was a trick I learned up in Washington as a kid. It really helps when it is raining out and everything is soggy.
05-10-2008, 06:09 PM
Just found this web site, and have spent the last hour or so reading through alot of really great and informative posts. Some wonderful bits of information here - thanks!
First, I am hoping that the message board here is still active, seems alot of these posts are pretty old. But, I got a few questions so I registered so I can give it a try.
I live in southern Louisiana, and most of the immediate areas that I am able to get out into are very swampy, marshy areas. I dont see alot of "guides" that give very much info concerning these sorts of areas. So I was hoping for some sort of guide along those lines of some sort. Everything from tips and guides to this sort of a climate, from edible vegetation found around here. We have an immense amount of plant life, but so often the trees and vegetation down here is not the sort of thing mentioned in most of the guides I read. We have an abudunt supply of water in the air and to be found in and on the ground, but its so often very stained or murky and to put it nicely, stagnant.
A couple of other random questions off the top of my head are things such as:
The Water Purifying Straws that I have seen mentioned in several of the excellent survival guide posts, Id like to know what do these not protect you from? Can I literally walk up to a stagnant, smelly marshy pond and use that straw to drink out of the water safely?
Also, I know that sea weed and alot of algea is edible, how about the algea you come across in bayous? The bayous where I often visit are fairly small, but are covered in algea. Could I eat that stuff? If so Id love to learn more about how I am to go about safely consuming it.
I'd like to read up alot more on making snares. I found an interesting posts on dead fall traps and such, but snares are something I would certainly like to learn about and hone my skills applying.
Also, any sort of guide on preparing critters we may catch from snares, and traps would be nice. Especially on consuming snakes. No matter where I go out in the "woods" (when I think of woods, what we have here doesnt come to mind typically) I see snakes, mostly poisonous ones such as water moccasins. Seems only reasonable I should learn how to safely catch ( I know how to shoot em of course) clean, prepare and consume snakes as they are an abundunt food source.
Well as I have said, I have already in a very short amount of time found tons of helpful information that I am anxious to absorb and put to use. Love the site, hope to get a reply soon!
First, I am hoping that the message board here is still active, seems alot of these posts are pretty old. But, I got a few questions so I registered so I can give it a try.
I live in southern Louisiana, and most of the immediate areas that I am able to get out into are very swampy, marshy areas. I dont see alot of "guides" that give very much info concerning these sorts of areas. So I was hoping for some sort of guide along those lines of some sort. Everything from tips and guides to this sort of a climate, from edible vegetation found around here. We have an immense amount of plant life, but so often the trees and vegetation down here is not the sort of thing mentioned in most of the guides I read. We have an abudunt supply of water in the air and to be found in and on the ground, but its so often very stained or murky and to put it nicely, stagnant.
A couple of other random questions off the top of my head are things such as:
The Water Purifying Straws that I have seen mentioned in several of the excellent survival guide posts, Id like to know what do these not protect you from? Can I literally walk up to a stagnant, smelly marshy pond and use that straw to drink out of the water safely?
Also, I know that sea weed and alot of algea is edible, how about the algea you come across in bayous? The bayous where I often visit are fairly small, but are covered in algea. Could I eat that stuff? If so Id love to learn more about how I am to go about safely consuming it.
I'd like to read up alot more on making snares. I found an interesting posts on dead fall traps and such, but snares are something I would certainly like to learn about and hone my skills applying.
Also, any sort of guide on preparing critters we may catch from snares, and traps would be nice. Especially on consuming snakes. No matter where I go out in the "woods" (when I think of woods, what we have here doesnt come to mind typically) I see snakes, mostly poisonous ones such as water moccasins. Seems only reasonable I should learn how to safely catch ( I know how to shoot em of course) clean, prepare and consume snakes as they are an abundunt food source.
Well as I have said, I have already in a very short amount of time found tons of helpful information that I am anxious to absorb and put to use. Love the site, hope to get a reply soon!