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Full Version: Weekend (Christmas) report...
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...I know its Tuesday, but this is the first chance I've had to type up a post since the weekend...

My cousin and I headed up at dark thirty towards Chicken Creek last Friday morning. Stopped at the gas station in Heber and saw MGB who I had just met the previous weekend, he was headed that direction also.
Got to Chicken creek, we were the ones in the little red Jeep Cherokee. Went out on the ice and got blown away by the wind, and didn't have a bite in 2 hours (...rookies!) so not wanting to scrap the whole day, decided to go to another lake. We decided to try and go up to Current Creek. Got there and there was no wind, blue sky and the lake was completely iced over. My cousin said he knew "the only place on the lake" to catch fish, so we set up there and proceeded to not catch anything for an hour. So then I told him we were moving to MY secret spot on the lake. In the next 3 hours, we caught over 40 fish between us! Most were only 12 to 14 inches, but there were some larger ones also.
I enjoyed the fishing so much, that I stopped at Sportsmans and bought a gas auger on the way home!

Sunday we tried Chicken creek again and this time the bite was on! We iced 9 or 10 in a couple of hours, with a lot more bites and more that were lost before getting to the hole. All were over 17 inches, but less than 20 inches. No keepers. My cousin never iced one as everytime he got his up to the hole his line would break. He'll be buying new line this week. 2 lb line is not that abrasion resistant, especially when it is about 5 years old!
The new gas auger worked great!

How thick was the ice at Currant Creek and how was the road?

Thanks, F4F
Nice report NETO. Glad you guys could get into fish both days. Thanks for sharing.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Power auger can't be beat! I have to replace the on/off toggle on mine today. Just a little tip. Add a good fuel stabilizer, like Seafoam to the fuel. Not only is it a good stabilizer, it keeps your fuel system clean, acts as a de-icer, and dries fuel. Good stuff for running engines in cold climates.[/size][/black][/font]