Was able to make it up to Lost Creek with a friend today. He had never really been ice fishing before, so I was hoping for a good time. We hit the ice about 7:30, punched a few holes and proceeded to try to find the fish. It took us a little bit, but we finally found them. We put quite a few on the ice. Small cutts, no bigger than 11", with most of them being 8-9". The bows we caught were a little bigger, and plump. We didn't catch many of them, but they were better fighters than the cutts. Nothing big today, but it was a great day to get someone new out on the ice. The weather was absolutely beautiful, it was 40 degrees when we left around noon, plus no wind! That is alwasy a bonus up there. We had a couple times where we caught doubles, here's a pic of one set. We also talked to Mateo on the radio, he hadn't been there long when we left, so hopefully he'll ring in on how he did.
[inline lostdouble.jpg]
Sounds like you had fun. I might have to call in sick tomorrow and go hit the ice of the rivers. Heck I'll just do both
Wounldn't that just be horrible...cough, cough....
TKB, it was good talking to you today. I wish we'd done as well as you guys, but the road down to the boat ramp was a little more than I wanted to tackle today.
We didn't get there till about 10:30 or so, and we fished a couple hundred yards from the dam. We were looking for deep water, but the deepest we found where we were was 35 feet or so.
I caught 2 12"ers, and my step daughter caught this 16"er. Needless to say, she won't be invited to go fishing with me any more, after making me look bad.
Polokid, take her off my list for the Rockport party.[


] My son and I fished Lost Creek today also, We were on the north side just off the dam about 50 yards or so. We started about 10:00 am. and had contineous action until about 2:30, when we left. We ended up with 70+ fish for the day! We missed alot! Nothing big, the rainbows were bigger than the cutts. We used Whatta's & Boogers (white) with waxies, right on the bottom, if it made it that far? Tried the radio a few times but didn't get any response. It would have been nice to have met you guys? maybe next time? B4B
You and I weren't that far apart. I tried the radio when I got there, but nobody answered. Later on, TKB called out, and I answered him.
How thick was the ice? Overall conditions of it?
Sounds like you had a really good time up there. It sure is amazing how the fish can hang out in one spot, an not be in another. Glad you guys could get into them. I thought I heard someone on the radio in the morning, but it was very broken up. I called out early in the AM and nobody replied, then later when I called out, mateo responded. It sure was a fun day to be at Lost Creek.
The ice was good where we were fishing, not much white ice, and 5 inches of good clear ice. It looked like the middle had only recently frozen over, I wasn't willing to venture out that far anyways. I don't think this warm spell will really effect the overall condition of the ice, it just won't get much thicker for a few days.