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Full Version: Warning Groundfish Regs
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I am a avid sculpin fisherman trying to get the laws straight on when I can pursue the critters. I went online to the DFG site and worked my way to the page that gives a "Summary of Recreational Groundfish Regs for 2005...Southern Management Area...California Scorpionfish". The page showed the season to be OPEN:Jan-Sept and CLOSED Oct-Dec. Great! I clicked on the print copy icon supplied by the page and printed a copy. Alas,the printed copy came backwards (I hope) and showed the reverse of the original by saying OPEN:Oct-Dec and CLOSED Jan-Sept. What a firedrill! As I sit here thinking about it can I go fishing or not? I suspect a "typo" but should I gamble on a $200. fine?

After communicating with the DFG, Dave Parker,Biologist he admitted the error and they were wrong and were correcting the problem. The season is OPEN from Oct thru Dec and closed from Jan to Sept....Bummer, that is official. PS there are other errors so closely peruse the situation.
I was just out on a boat and found out from the Capt that we cannot keep Rockfish( of course), Whitefish, Jonny Bass, Sheepshead (from a boat only), Cabezon nor lings.

What a bummer. The water was around 58degrees at the Channel Islands and the Calicoes wouldn't come out to play. Lots of Opaleye and Blue Perch.
Senoritas and Wrasses also chewed off the bait alot too.