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<br><br>Just reading this thread & have ta Ask if you or others can recommend a better reel for the Applications needed with the GTI’s..?<br><br>For those that have these reels, can ya give any ideas ta help getting to these screws or other ways to help with the corrosion problem noted..?<br><br><i>> My theory is that people don't tighten the two long screws on the case which lets water creep in. This is almost a design flaw because the screws are hard to reach.></i><br><br>Is this also a problem with the 320 & 330’s..? I have / use them on my boat.<br><br>Thanks…[Smile]<br><br>[cool] <b><font color=red>ALOHA</b></font color=red> [Smile]<br><br>Dan<br>Stand Up!!!<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"> Stand Up Fish`N Charters Kauai Hawai </A> <br><br>[Wink]<br>