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Hello all I am new to this forum and hope to be around for a bit. I am taking my oldest daughter for her first icefishing trip tomorrow. I plan to go to causey.

I was wondering what baits I should use and where I should try, and depth? I know it sounds like I don't know what I am doing and I really don't. I havn't had a license since 1996. Long story of new hobbies and about 4 daughters. I don't have a fishfinder so we will be going blind. Next year I hope to have a finder. I hope to be up there about 2:30. I hope my car will be able to make it. Take it easy and thanks for any advice, I'm going to need it.

Hard to believe I havn't really went fishing for 8 years.
[size 2][font "Comic Sans MS"][green]A hearty welcome aboard PennyFarmer (PF). I have never fished Causey before so I can't help you there. But you did mention that you hadn't been fishing in several years. That was pretty much the same with me a few years back. Then I bought a little boat and registered here at BFT and now fishing is my favorite hobbie and takes a big chunck of my earnings. If you like, PM me this summer and I'll give you and your daughter a boat fishing trip on one of the local waters.[/green][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][green][/green][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][green]Stay tuned ... no doubt, someone will post the advice you need for ice fishing causy.[/green][/font][/size]
I did that also. I just bought a little 12 footer with trailer. I thought my daughters would love to get out and catch a bunch of crappie.

Before I stopped fishing I had a canoe that me and a friend would go to pineview and fish for musky. That was always a hoot (insert couple of beers here) trying to get one of those up next to and possibly in to the canoe.

I appreciate the offer for the trip and I may take you up on it.
Welcome to the site pennyfarmer, I hope your farming is going well[Wink]

Anyway about Causey. It can be really fun to fish through the ice. This year seems to be a little more hit and miss than previous years, but it can be fun. As far as baits go, the standard wax worms, meal worms, or pieces of crawler work fine through the ice. You can also use power bait/nuggets/eggs as well. Use small jigs, tipped with some bait, and you should be golden. I'd try to find and area between 25-45 feet deep, you'll have to judge this one just by letting out line and guestimating the depth. You can generally find fish near the bottom. Most people will use the old 1-2 cranks off the bottom, but every reel is different. The fish up there will for the most part strike up, unless of course they take it on the fall. Some people like to rig an attractor/flasher like a kastmaster above their rigs about 12-18 inches. If you do this you should take the hooks off of the attractor. Others, like me, will rig a drop shot style rig, where you have one type of jig on the line, then about 12" below that you can rig another lure/ice fly. This is easily accomplished with a palomer knot, or even a Trilene Knot on the upper rig, then with the tail tie on another jig. Fish with bright colors up there, like white/pink, white/white, glow, chartruesse, yellow...etc. Boogers seem to work very well up there, you can pick them up at Hooked Tackle in Kaysville. They are small enough for the fish up there, but big enough to get the jig down the hole in a reasonable amount of time.

I hope that will get you started off on the right foot. Hopefully the bite is on, so your daughters don't get too bored. One more thing, fish near the dam, or just a little ways into the arms. Good luck, and let us know how you do.
Hi Pennyfarmer. Welcome and kudos to for taking your daughter ice fishing. Make sure her feet stay warm!
Park on the dam and go down the steep bank to the ice. Head out to the point to your right as you are looking at the dam about 100 yards or so. Fish about 50 yards from the shore. When your jig hits bottom, walk backwards pulling your line back up. When it is out of the water, step off how many feet of line you have out. This will tell you how deep the water is that you are fishing in. The splake will be holding at the bottom like the other posts have told you. The kokes are suspended at between 15' and 20' down. To tell when you are 20' down, loosen the drag and pull line out 3'of line at a time until you have 20' out. One of you may want to fish at that depth for a while and the other on the bottom. If you don't find fish at 20' move to the bottom. Listen to others fishing near by and they may let you know how deep the fish are. Don't be afraid to ask questions up there. Also tell folks that you are with BFT. There will be others up there that will be happy to help you. I will be there on Saturday if you come back then.I would be happy to fish with you and let you see how a fish finder helps. We use FRS channel 12 to talk to each other when fishing. If you have a 2 way radio bring it with you and put it on cahnnel 12. Good luck and have fun, DKS.
i haven't had the opportunity to hit Causey yet this year. I generally like to get up there and try to tie into a couple of Kokes. I plan on going up just not sure when. Anyway I always like to go off the dam by the spill way and head up the arm towards the boy scout camp just where the arm starts to narrow from the main body. It's very deep right through there so I tend to hug the west side cliffs about 20 feet out or so. Best of luck to ya, and welcome to the board.
Welcome aboard. I hope you get into the fish. It always help to get some fish when you go out for the first time, especially when you have kids with you. How old are your daughters? I don't know if you have read the thread about the perch/ kid fishing party that is being planned here. It is going to be a great time and alot of kids to fish and sled together.I know from experience if the fishing is fast the kids will have a ball.
I have 4 daughters 8,3,3,2. The three year olds are twins. I will not be able to make that trip. I have my reserve duty for a couple of weeks. I hope that there will be more kids trips with everyone. Well I have to get ready now and attempt to go. Thanks for the advice.
It is a fun kid pond. But remember one thing: the bite is easily best in the mornings!
Good luck,
Well no fish but it was nice. Not very cold up there. I was happy for that. Mabey next time. Thanks for the advice.
Hi John. Too bad you didn't get into the fish today. Did you get up there early or mid morning? The fishing drops off hard by about 11:00pm. Were you around anyone that had a fish finder that could help you find the depth of the fish?
I hope to be there Saturday morning. If you are going to go back, let me know and I will watch for you. Dale.
I got up there at around 3:00 in the afternoon. There were only a couple of cars. I am thinking of going to lost creek Sat. not real sure.
Lost Creek will be a good place for tomorrow, if the wind doesn't get too bad. Just like Causey you need to be on the ice at day light for the best fishing. Lost Creek is a trout reservoir so paddle bugs [whatta-crickets] will be a good bet, in green or white colors tipped with wax or meal worms. Most fish are on the bottom by the dam. It is deep there so make sure your jig goes all the way down. Be careful of old ice holes that may be covered with snow. The bite is very soft a lot of the time ,so watch your line for any movement. The fish will often hit your jig on the way down so watch for your line to stop going down before it gets to the bottom. If you see this set the hook and see if you have a hit. Once again ask others fishing up there for help or information. Most people will be happy to help you. DKS.