I haven't heard any news about pineview. Is it still ice free? Unsafe ice? Anyone have any info?
Still chomping at the bit to get out and try for some Muskies through the ice. And some perchies to boot.
If I don't hear anything I think I'll try Jordanelle rock cliffs on sunday.
Thanks in advance
It dose have ice on it but last I heard it is not very safe. If you go tie a tube on
I drove by it this morning in fact! Still some good sized open spots in the narrows. Two of them to be exact. They were about half the size of a football field. No evidence of anyone venturing out either. I would guess at least a week or two with some good cold temps..
you might want to rething jordanelle as well. I drive by there every day and the ice hasn't crept out of rockcliffs enough to make it worth fishing, not to mention it is still gated off. You would have a good half mile walk in some deep snow for not much fishing.
Hey thanks for the info on both Pineview and Jordanelle. I think I'll come up with a new plan... ...maybe back to the berry... ...maybe soldier creek area down by the dam...
So where is the bite for perchies hot?
Thanks again for all the good info.