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just wondering how you guys get your broadheads out of trees then they accidently get burryed in them
you would need to first unthread the shaft from the arrow head.

thread on a long hex nut with a bolt on the opisite end, with a claw hammer pull it out like a nail. Dont wory about the blades, they are already gone.

you can pick up those enlonged hex nuts at most any reliable hard ware store.

the hard part is going to your car and coming back to find the same tree with the claw hammer.
Davetclown... Wrong. You need to go to and look at that site. By the way, the broad head that killed my elk at 70 yards last year was my demo for the movie clip on my site, and I had to shoot that clip 4 times. Yep, same broad head all four times. I just resharpened the broadhead and killed a big 5x7 bull with it. You can use a claw hammer, but you will bend the ferral (threads) and it may not shoot straight after that. Plus, who would want to carry around a big old hammer anyway?

Good luck Bart.
wrong is an incorrect statement. my answer is correct and will work for every situation.

you have an interesting product there, I have seen similar devices here in michigan that have failed.

the reason for failure is not the design, it is that all trees are not the same. the device worked well on thick cambian layered trees and soft woods. where it failed is on the hard woods like apple, hickory and iron wood.

I think your product is priced apropreatly and looks well. but just like the hammer I would not want to carry that in the woods with me eather.

the walk back to the car and back will be a solid reminder for me to be sure of my target before ever turning loose my projectile weather it is an arrow or a 12 gage slug.
Gosh, I hope I didn't come off to strong on you dtc. and you can carry this in your panny pack because it breaks down to 6 inches and weighs hardly anything. Your right, know of your target, and don't miss, but that is not real life. Everyone misses and most people have hit trees. I have not tried it on the trees that you mention, but if it fails to extract your broad head from one of your mentioned trees, send it back for a refund. I gave 20 of them away last year to hunters if they posted about it on the duck refuge forum, and every one of them posted positive about it.

Thanks. Bart
I got me one of them reverce slammers that mounts in to my quiver and the hammer ball goes in to my pouch or pocket.

I use them snarin tips on my shafts and nothin saves them when they hit a tree, I still pull them out cause I dont wanna leave objects that can harm the tree or cut some one walkin passin by and rubbin up against it.

any way the one I got is stainless steel and is one peice. it handles most every thing.

I got a buddy who carries a little mini pry bar, about 6-8 inches in his pack to pull any thing. He says it a lot quieter. He says the only down fall is he has to hunt up a chunk of dead wood to use as a wedge for the back side of the bar. I asked him why dont he just carry one with him and he says it is never the same size peice of wood he needs to wedge against.

every one seems to have their own way of doin things and what works for one dosent always work for others.

good thing there plenty of pole cats to skin. LOL
now sweat here, you are right that there are a lot of slopy shooters in this world and they deserve to cary every thing in the woods there is to posibly cary.

for the rest of us the shot is more important than the kill. you think pro golfers throw a fit when thay miss!

I saw a man rap his bow around a phone pole one day cause his bridge wigled loose and he shot under the deer. Last time he carried a K-Mart brand bow in the woods.[Tongue]

you should promote this on the advertising board. you will get better coverage or you can put it in the clasified section and if you want more coverage you can rent banner space. those little banners at the top of your state boards only run about 6 bucks per month. (pretty reasonable if you ask me)

any way good luck with that, Hope ya make a mint with it....
I almost forgot to ask, how to you keep it from rattling in your pouch when walking through the woods?
[size 1.5][font "comic sans ms"] Hey there petty4life,
Would the heads be easier to get out after you get the tree dressed out and hung back at camp?lol

Take care,
D.T.C., I have never had a problem of it rattling around in the pouch. It is tucked at the bottom of the pack because it is hopefully the last thing I need. But if you have problems with it, you can wrap a rubber band around it before storage or put the rubber band on the outside which would probably be easier. Here is a pic of the elk I shot in 2004 with the same broadhead that I used in the video on the website. I shot it at 70 yards, one shot, he ran approximatilly 80 yards and died. (There was a little luck involved I'm sure.) I honestly don't know what killed it. No bubbles and I never saw the heart. It was in the area of the heart, but never found it to look at it. There was a lot of internal bleeding, and it took him a minute to fall over. I think I got a main artery. Let me know what you think.
By the way, my daughter is not flipping anyone off, she is just learning how to snap her fingers. (That is all I heard for about a week is snap-snap-snap)
Well if some guys aint got all the luck! [Tongue]

looks like three winners there to me....

Bull Elk, Little Missy and a nice lookin Springer (I think?)
