well them snakes dont bother me at-tall, had my firts pet massisaga when I was 5 and a woopin to remind me about not bringin snakes in the house[sly] Lernt wat a rattler was that day too [laugh]
I dont even have to see that needle commin for it to bother me. even when I know that needle is commin it is still a shock for me to see it.
Its funny cause I pick them turn them every which way grab the needle bend and break them, dosnt bother me at all, ecept for when they have my name on them as one did way back in youth.
I remember back in the mid 60's when a kid wasnt even safe from a shot in school. they would call us down to the nurces office by name, line us all up for My first school shot! (first the doctors office and now here! they were out to get me!)
They called my name over the pa, I went and got in line, there must had been 200 kids in front of me, I stayed in line all the way up till I got to the door, and then that is where I saw it! that great big 3 inch needle being shoved in to another kids arm, I looked at my arm and it wasnt half the size of that needle then looked at that needle and that kid started crying.
That was enough for me, I was gonna have no part of this at all. And I was gonna have to get out of this and I was gonna be slick about it, I stood there for a bit then truned around and went back to my class room like I got the shot already. thought nobody would be the wiser. well about 15 minutes later I found I wasnt as slick as I thought I was when they called my name on the PA sistem and told me to come right back down. every body in the class turned around and looked at me and said what are you going to do now? seeing how I couldnt out smart a pencil and a papper with my name on it I went back going as slow as I posibly could. got there and every body was waiting on me. I walked half way cross the room and decided that this was not for me and turned around and was going to make a bee line for the door and freedom.
I guess the princible knew I had one more good run left in me cause that was where he was waiting for me! I steped out the door and he caught my arm and dragged me back over to the nurce. But I didnt go down with out a good fight.[sly] Hollared and screamed the whole way, the principle and another nurce held me down. And that was when I saw my name taped on to that needle!!! I guess they had pratice at doing this cause it didnt take much time at all for them to do the whole thing.
the nurce gave me a sucker after the shot and now that wasnt that bad was it. I turned and looked at him with watter in my eyes and said "YES IT WAS"
that is where I got my first words of wisdom, the principle took me back to his office sat me down after a few scribblings in his book he looked over at me and said are you allright are ya gonna be ok? I looked down at the floor and with a big sigh I said ya,
he tossed me another sucker and said next time dont look at the needle. it wont be so bad. I being about 2 1/2 - 3 feet tall looked all the way up to the 6 foot or taller principle, and shuddered and said
"there's .... going .... to .... be .... a .... next .... time?"
sure -- nuff, for the next three years every couple months we got the needle whether we needed it or not.
Principle Dogget was there waiting for me on the very next round, all he had to say said was "you going to be ok?" I took a deap breath and said "ya" He
d and said good. I didnt look at the needle when it came my way, and I walked away with my head held up high cause I was one of the vary few "NOT CRYERS" [
I can look back and find amusment about the situation, but still the though of a needle with my name on it taunts me....
sittin here now, I remembered what kind of a shot it was 40 years ago, It was a "TB" cause 9 hours later latter my arm still hurts from that 3 inch needle.
But better safe than sorry.[crazy]