I hope to hit Causey in the morning if the W is not too strong. I am hearing conflicting reports about the W.
If I make it up, I will have my radio on channel 12-0.
Anyone elso going to be up there tomorrow? DKS.
My plans were to hit the berry tommorrow but now the weather has got us thinkin about hittin causey. I'm hopin to tie into some kokes. Anyway if we grt there I'll send a shout out. Rip some lips.
The high winds at home today made me wait until 8:30am to leave for Causey. So I got up there late and I paid for it. Only iced 5 splake from 9:30 till 3:30. Only had a few more hits. Fish would come and go at all depths all day long, but just were not interested in what I had on. The splake that I did ice were suspended in about 20' of water and it was 65' to the bottom. I never had a bite on the bottom today. Reports were mixed from others up there. Some did all right while others were skunked. The wind was blowing on top of the mountain quite hard but down on the ice it was never real bad. The walk up and down the dam was not too bad today. The snow was packed and only a couple of inches deep. A fun day that has me wanting to go back there again and do better next time! DKS
Thanks for the report. I look forward to tomorrows endeavors.