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Full Version: tales from the road: part 1 Tennesse
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Entered Tennesse by driving thur the west Appalachians mountions AWSOME !! driving along cliff faces with water falls coming over the top and even out of the cliff face itself

So i'm driving along come around a curve and see a bridge over a river backing up to form a lake on the far side and best of all a rest area !

As i have to keep a log of all my days activities i decieded it was time to take a 2 hour meal break as if...i was going fishing

Now seeing what i had to hike thur to get to the lake was some woods and thick under brush and having lived in texas at one time i was worried about water moccasins a snake you don't want to tangle with they are just flat out mean but that worry was not going to stop me

I gathered up my fishing pole and tackle tied on a in line spinner and headed for what appered to be a very faint trial into the woods yeah right should have brought machette the under brush was thick with vines with thorns finally got to the waters edge after finding a hole in the chain link fence and found they had a recent draw down and there was twenty feet of bank to fish from so i thought until my first step was in mud up to my ankle

Looking to my left i see rocks lining the highway perfect looked like small mouth heaven back into the woods and thorns finally make my way there only to find the rocks over grown with wild roses
aaarrrggg!!! afther with i went thur to get there who cared i climb right on in there and made my way to a deeper water when i saw a fish flash along the waters edge i had gone far enough

I wish i could say i caught a fish on the first cast but it took about ten cast to hook my first fish i was only using 4# line casting parrallel to the rocks i hook a fish it starts ripping some drag even did three jumps cool! finally get it in hand to find out i had caught ? i had no idea very pretty fish though about 16" long thin sliver sided body good start !

over the next 1 1/2 hour and got 5 more of these fish and 2 LM bass not bad for fishing a strange body of water can't wait for my next chance at another state don't what i was thinking by waiting 3 months to put a fishing pole on my truck
Good Story Chris, you are lucky getting to try different waters every day!
well not every day they plans most loads where you can just make it i did try some ice fishing in neb. also but with + 3 temp and 25 mph winds but without my coveralls and insulted boots jeans and tennis shoes only kept me on the ice for 20 min with any bites
Tenn is known for striped bass, (not to be mistaken for the larger wiper hybread)

also they have cisco, both are as silver in color as aluminum foil...(little exageration on my part) more like minowy silver...