michigan [url "http://nature.org/wherewework/northamerica/states/michigan/"]
![[Image: hp_feature_updeal.jpg]](http://nature.org/images/hp_feature_updeal.jpg)
The largest conservation project in Michigan history [url "http://nature.org/wherewework/northamerica/states/michigan/"]protects forests and trout streams[/url] in the Upper Peninsula.
I guess they better protect the UP ...before its just like lower MIchigan
it is hard to emagine what fishing was like down here 2-3 hundred years ago.
salmon bill fish stergeon and hundreds of other species filling the streems in bounty season after season.
Yeah I remember my grand dad telling me about getting grayling
on the river years ago.
Then the DNR put some in about 15 years ago .I was fishing on the AUSABLE river around Alcona dam area
And i got one
My buddy told me too put it back so i did
Then a few years later we heard all about it in the paper and it was put in the rules book.
But I havent heard any thing about grayling in the river for years??? wonder why
Maybe they are all dead.
Like I said they should take care of the UP before its just like this area
I was up that way last fall looking for stealies. I was in oscoda at the mouth of the river, but the next river down it looked like a delta fire fly convention all along the river to the bay. I herd on the tv the following week that they were catching greyling there.
LOL if I had only stoped to see what was going on I could have put one of them on my hat as well.
If you need a closer date to when they were moving through as Lonehunter what part of the month it was I stoped by his place. and figure out the moon cycle for this fall and you should be able to mark them for thier next return.
They was getting graying ....from lake huron?
the fishing report said they were coming up the river, had me scratching my head too.
but you know how them reports from the Fred Trost show can be [sly]
About 17 years ago we was fishing on north wall at the mouth of the ausable river about 11 at night .We had gotting a few nice walleye.One of my buddys was drunker then a skunk.We looked out at lake Huron .Seen a boat coming in the river .with big lights on it .
Well it was ol Fred and his buddy Bob
They ask us what we was using .
Being locol boys we wasnt about too tell any one how we was geting walleyes. So they got up on the wall with us and started fishing .had us on the cam it was really funny .
My drunk buddy was bumming worms and shinners from Fed and Bob
2 weeks later we was on TV fishing with Fred and Bob
I am not sure, but I think I saw the episode. wasnt that the one where he was talking about the elk hunts and how if you drew a ticket you were garenteed to get an elk?
I drew an elk ticket that year and I am still waiting for my elk. LOL
there is only one garentee in this world, You will die one day. (sorry it used to be death and taxes, Bush made sure a rich man can get by with out taxes [

] )
I beleive that was when his show was called michigan out of doors then the state of michigan sewed him for the use of the name and wone.