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Full Version: Killer fish attractant
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A few weeks ago, I took the kids up to the Strawberry marina. Fishing was pretty slow for the first hour or so, but the kids were having fun with their sleds, so it didn't matter too much.

After a while, my 5 year old daughter decided that she was tired of not catching fish. She figured it must be the hole and decided to "make a new hole." I had just drilled a hole and left the brand new auger next to it. Before I realized what she was doing, it was falling through the hole and to the bottom of the lake.

Within the next hour, we iced five cuts within 15' of that hole. We had several groups around us, including a guy who was about 20' beyond, none of which had a single bite. I'm sure it's just a coincidence, but I feel better about losing my new auger if I believe that the shiny red thing at the bottom of the lake was attracting the fish.

Feel free to give it a try and let me know about your experience Smile
[cool]That is a pretty funny story, fishmonkey! LOL! Hope my daughter doesn't do that the first time I take her ice fishing! She's only 9 months so we have a while yet.
[Wink]I have a suggestion for anyone that has this happen. My brother had the bottom of his ice auger come off and go to the bottom of the lake at schofield last year. He marked the hole and went home and got a big magnet and went back the next day. He drilled the hole back open, and sent the magnet down on a rope and clink, he had the auger and pulled it back up! Those heavy magnets are available at Harbor Freight and are not very expensive. Just a thought. BFC out!
Great idea. I'll remember that for next time. [Wink]
[Sad]Thats expensive attractant. [unsure]