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Full Version: Bear Lake Map
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[left]With the cisco run getting into gear at Bear Lake, a bunch of folks are going to be headed that way. I haven't added anything to my Bear Lake map for a long time, but I thought I'd remind y'all I had it so that those that don't know their way around Bear Lake so good can find their way. Click on the small image below if you want a BIG (2.74 MB) one. As always, if you see errors, have comments or questions, or have additions (with coordinates please) send me a PM.
[/left] [center][url ""][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8029;][/url][/center] [left] [/left]
[black][size 3]I really like the Bear Lake map that you have. It would be awesome to have it as a link on my site. Is there anyway that I can get it from you? Also, I am not sure, but does it have GPS coordenants to places like the Rock Pile etc? If not maybe we could post them as well. We have had a lot of people request them but I sold my GPS, updated to a new one, and like an idiot I erased all my points before I stored them in my new one. Any information would be appreciated.[/size][/black]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]Darin Pugmire[/size]
You seem to be an expert on maps and such,Is there a way I can print it,full size so I can read the the places on the map?Like take it to kinkos or somthing?
Thanks for any info.