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Tall stories, short stories, large stories, skinny stories, we would like to hear them all![Smile]
A peacock bass here in s.FL chased a brim out of water up a verticle ledge bout two feet high,brim barely made it up there,anyway he waited for a good minute,the P-bass left and the brim flopped back in first flop(=
when I was little bass fishing a HUGE carp swam by first I ever see looked to be 5' long,anyway snagged it and burst my line,fish not even a flinch
As a kid I remember getting spooled on my spincast outfit.I had maybe 6lb mono,fishing for brim.I did'nt even know what a bass was,I kept seeing something swimming around like a shark.Everntually he grabbed a hold of one of my brim.I walked him down to the point while he took my line,thats the last thing I remember,I proabably went into shock.As a kid I heard more stories of 10lb bass in my lake.
Once time something took a mayan cichlid maybe 1lb,fishing deep for away
O.k,here is one that did'nt get away.I hooked a quarter pound myancichlid on my deep diver,I let him swim around and sure enough a big bass shows up and takes him right off the surface.I wait and just as I'm about to strike I see him spit my fish and I saw the lure fly out as well,quess how the heck I hooked him.Ended up lure came out his gill,when I realed up I faul hooked him outside the gill.Bass was skinny,and hungry,I hate it when they can really use a meal like that.anyway I got pic,6lber, even for being thin.

"A Bass a Day Keeps the Doctor Away..
Protect Florida's natural resources recycle and Fish for the Future!"

I am loving the slogan that you get to create, I would have to agree with you let us all protect biodiversity for a better tomorrow.

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