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Full Version: Fried Beaver Tail
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2 Beaver tails 1/4 ts Pepper
1/2 c Vinegar 1/4 c Butter
1 tb Salt 1/4 c Sherry or cooking wine
2 ts Soda 1 ts Dry mustard
1/4 c Flour 1 ts Sugar
1/2 ts Salt 1 tb Worcestershire sauce [ol] [li][size 3]Skin beaver tails, clean thoroughly and wash well in a solution of salt water. Let soak overnight in cold water to cover, adding 1/2 cup vinegar and 1 tablespoon salt to water.[/size] [li][size 3]The next day, remove from the brine, wash, then cover with solution of 2 teasoons soda to 2 quarts water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes. Drain.[/size] [li][size 3]Dredge beaver tails in seasoned flour.[/size] [li][size 3]Melt butter in heavy fry pan and saute tails at low heat until tender.[/size] [li][size 3]Mix wine with mustard, sugar, garlic powder and Worcestershire sauce.[/size] [li][size 3]Add to beaver tails and simmer gently for 10 minutes, basting frequently.[/size][/li][/ol]
[size 3]
Stick a barbecue fork into the "meat" end of the beavertail, then "toast" it like a marshmallow over the woodstove or electric burner or other heat source. As it toasts, the hide puffs away from the meat like a slowly expanding balloon. After a few minutes you can strip it away and trim the edge, leaving you with a nice filet of greasy pink/white meat for your recipe.

The smell is not charming, but it's not as bad as some things. And the taste (and saved work) is worth it. [/size]