Ok, the perch limit on Jordanelle is 50, on Rockport it is 20, and on Deer Creek it is only 10. How can one fish Rockport on Saturday morning, and fish Deer Creek in the PM (with a cooler of 20 perch in the vehicle) and keep from getting ticketed if one is checked? Also, on Deer Creek "All yellow perch caught must be kept from January 1 through April 30." If one already has a limit of 10 perch (ignore my Rockport scenario for now) and keeps fishing for trout but happens to hook a perch, will one get ticketed for releasing the 11th perch? If one keeps the 11th perch it would definitely be grounds for getting ticketed.

]Easy, start at the lowest limit area first or stop by your house before going to the next lake. your second scenario is easy too, either stop fishing when you get your limit of perch, or move to an area that holds no perch, usually during ice on that means move shallower, and keep your bait off the bottom where perch feed. [crazy]
This sums it up fairly well on all questions you posed. Those scenarios have ticket written all over them.
(2) A person may not fish in waters that have a specific bag or size limit while
possessing fish in violation of that limit.
If you really want to be safe on a particular water, do not have any species in possesion over the limit for that water, because by the books it is breaking the law. That means, if you hit 10 perch at Deer Creek, head up to Jordanelle.
Or, you could stop at 5 and move to trout areas, then if you accidentally get another perch, you're covered.
I had a simmular problem last week. Five of us fished Rockport and we all caught our 20 perch limits. My son and I took all 100 perch home with us. We had no way to prove that the two of us didn't catch all of them. I guess that we should have at least had the other guys write a note explaining why we had there fish.
Is there a daily limit no mater where you have been fishing. If so then all you could have in your posossion for the day would be the maximum of 50 perch from Jordanelle. I would also think that with the 10 perch limit at Deer Creek, you are done fishing when you have a limit of perch. Otherwise you would be in violation on the next perch caught.
So who is going to ask the DWR for the answer?
I posed this very problem last summer (at least the Jordanelle/DC question.) I got a response from a board member, who knew the enforcement personnel, that stated that if you fish Jordanelle, and have a receipt for paying for that day from Jordanelle, that you could keep your 50 and then fish a place like DC w/o getting a ticket. I don't imagine that you could keep another 10 perch though. I am pretty sure that Road was the one that told me this. You might want to PM him or look through the archives to find that discussion.
here is the link to that discussion:
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?post=144993;#144993"]http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?post=144993;#144993[/url]
It is very clear in the proc as to what you can and can not do. Now who is to say that if you have 50 perch in your freezer that you did not hit rockport twice then deercreek once instead of jordanelle for the specific waters exclusion? Well you being honest but there are limits on how many you can keep of each species, period, in your freezer or on your stringer. Read I V. Season Dates and
Bag and Possession Limits of the proc. Yes, by the law, your friends should have written a donation note that would have to accompany the fish until eaten. There is no skirting this you can either have this many on you or at home, or the exception perch in this case.
(6) The following bag and possession limits apply statewide, except as provided
in Section V. Provisions For Specific Waters and Section III.B.4. Underwater
(a) *Bluegill and green sunfish in the aggregate . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 fish
(b) Bonneville cisco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 fish
© *Brook trout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bonus limit on some specific waters.
(d) Bullhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 fish
(e) *Channel catfish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 fish
(f) *Crappie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 fish
(g) Crayfish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .No Limit
(h) *Largemouth and smallmouth bass in the aggregate . . . . . . . .6 fish
(i) Nongame species (except Prohibited Fish, page 9) . . . . . . . . .No Limit
(j) *Northern pike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 fish
(k) *Tiger muskellunge (hybrid) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 fish over 40 inches
(l) Sacramento perch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 fish
(m) Striped bass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .No Limit
(n) *Trout, including salmon, grayling and hybrids in the aggregate, except
no more than two shall be lake trout/mackinaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 fish
(o) *Walleye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 fish
(p) *Whitefish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 fish
(q) White bass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .No Limit
® Wiper (hybrid white bass x striped bass) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 fish
(s) *Yellow perch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 fish
*On some waters, specific bag or size restrictions apply. ( See Section V.
Provisions For Specific Watersfor variations.)
also keep in mind you can not catch a sportfish and give it to another angler to take home i did so at layton pond last summer and when i mentioned it to a dwr officer he got quit pissy threatened to write me a ticket and made me take the fish back so a letter would not keep you out of trouble Dale
Yes it was I who posted that. We have some understanding officers up here. Keep this in mind though. When you have your 50 from Lake X, you cannot take another 10 from DC. Also your catch from JR better be in your vehicle and not in a bucket next to you at the lake.
Now if they wanted they could issue a citation when your at DC with more than 10 pearch in your posession. Thats why that little piece of paper from Jordanelle is a keeper. Even with an anual pass, when there is someone at the gate house they give a receipt. If not ask! But with the crashing population in DC I can't think of a good reason to target them. JR has plenty and they are easy to catch for the kids of all ages.
You can donate legally taken wildlife. It dictates in the proc how you do it and the exclusions of where you do it. The Warden was partially correct; being that you were donating the wildlife at an excluded location and would be ticketed, however he was incorrect for stating that you can not donate sport fish.
The proc should be read and retained or carried with you at all times, to avoid any problems.
(3) A person may possess or transport a legal limit of game fish or crayfish for
another person when accompanied by a donation letter. (See Section III.H.1.
(1) A person may donate protected wildlife or their parts to another person only
at the following places:
(a) the residence of the donor;
(b) the residence of the person receiving protected wildlife or their parts;
© a meat locker;
(d) storage plant; or
(e) a meat processing facility.
(2) A written statement of donation must be kept with the protected wildlife or
parts showing:
(a) the number and species of protected wildlife or parts donated;
(b) the date of donation;
© the license or permit number of the donor; and
(d) the signature of the donor.
[green][size 2]The odds of getting a ticket with perchies is very small. With the exception of maybe Deer Creek, the fish cops could care less about the perch. Big money has been spent in our trout ponds. Vermain such as perch are not a concern unless someone is transporting them alive to another lake.
Don't worry about how much perch you carry, dwr will consider that as a favor to them for the removal. Understand, there are bigger problems at Lincoln Beach and even Strawberry of exceeding limits. The fish cops can't even begin to enforce most if not all regs. The Courts have better things to do than to waste time on bag limits.
Depending on the CO they could still ticket you with or without a reciept, this statement in the proc clearly states it.
(2) A person may not fish in waters that have a specific bag or size limit while
possessing fish in violation of that limit.
Possesion means even in your freezer at home.
[#0000ff][size 1]"bank tanglers" Hey, I resemble that remark. One thing that perch at Deer Creek were great at, while fishing from the shore, was immediately snagging up. Yep, when I was a kid (been a few moons) I had many a day of catching well over a 100 perch at Deer Creek, and I didn't know anyone who ate perch. We caught some huge ones, but for every large perch we caught lots of small ones. In those days it was hard to imagine that one would ever have any problem catching perch up there. My dad used to say that he could catch a trout if he could keep the perch off of his line (which was nearly impossible to do). [/size][/#0000ff]
I agree but we all know there are CO's out there that wont see it that way and will still issue a citation, so sticking to the law avoids tickets in all cases.
Some people think they can catch a limit, donate them to someone that is going home and then catch another limit. That is not the case. You are allowed one limit a day. when you have your last fish you are through. If you want to give away some or all of your limit you have still harvested your legal limit. For those of us that hunt migratory birds limits are really interesting. If I go to Malad Idaho on the opening day of the dove hunt and shoot my 10 bird limit and then stop by Tremonton on my way home and shoot a second limit on my Utah license I will be cited because they are under federal regulations and you are allowed one limit total even if you have a license from two seperate states. My personal suggestion would be go to the lake with the lowest limit first and then you shouldn't have that problem. gshorthair
Exactly, a bag limit which is a daily harvest (that deffenition is in the proc as well). I know all about the migratory bird and the federal limitations. I was just dictating what the Fishing proc states.
Also, if you caught 50 perch at Jordanelle 3 months ago and put them all in your freezer, then went out fishing to DC or a lake that has a 20 fish limit for perch, you'd be in violation on the first fish too. It violates the possession limit.
Alright lets really mix it up :}
Lets say I catch a tiger musky. 1 fish limit and kep him in the freezer. I cant catch another so I should probley stay away from pineview and other musky lakes. I know that. BUT what if I have the REAL fish mounted is that my one fish limit ? :}
thats right jenery i do rember him saying somthing to the effect number fish donated singed by both patries or something like that my bad
"possession means even in your freezer at home"
Following this line of reasoning, it would be unlawful to fish ANYWHERE until you ate the 50 perch. I agree that by the strictest interpretation of the law, you are correct, but I think that the spirit of the law would dictate that a CO would not take such a hard line. While I do not agree that CO's would give you a pass on overlimits while on the water, the DWR made the limit at Jordanelle 50 so more perch will be harvested and they don't want to enforce the rules in such a way to discourage us from doing so..........However, if your youngster just beat up the CO's child at school and he lives nearby and you are on his bad side.............better eat those perch. Good fishing this week to all.