hi i just joined! i don't get to talk to much about fishing because i can't find anybody that fishes. this is a nice site and i'm sure ill be on often<br><br>i fish, you fish, we all fish for kingfish!!!
Welcome KFM<br><br>Plenty of people here who fish so we look forward to seeing, and hearing from, you more often. <br><br>Until then<br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve B <br>Moderator Lures/Baits Forum<br><A HREF="http://www.demonjigs.com" target="_new">http://www.demonjigs.com</A>
Ok Jim, we'll see if we can help.<br><br>I will drag your post out onto a new one so that others can see it as well.<br><br>Do you know the name of the knots your trying to tie?<br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve B <br>Mod-Lures/Baits & Oz Boards<br><A HREF="http://www.demonjigs.com" target="_new">http://www.demonjigs.com</A>
Hey , Steve! Let me make a complete ass out myself, because I thought I knew something about most sport fish.... but I'm not sure I know what that thing is your holding there. It looks pretty mean and fast.<br><br>
Hi, my name is Steve and welcome to the Lures/Baits Board. <br><br>As the new moderator here, I hope you'll drop in often... Also feel free to ask any questions, raise issues, or post replies, that help fresh and saltwater anglers with their fishing. <br><br>Just so you know what I look like (when fishing) here is a pic of me from a few years ago when I was working as a Pro Saltwater Guide... I am on your left in the green shorts: <br><br>Also check out the size of those tail flukes on this turbo charged, line peeling, thumb burning, head rattlin, fish. <br><br><IMG SRC="http://www.demonjigs.com/images/salmon2.jpg"><br><br>This board is for all global anglers, from the very new to the very experienced, from Argentina to Australia, male or female, so don't be shy and feel free to join in.<br><br>Here are a few important tips for posting that I think will make life much easier for all of us.<br><br>First up, (1) register a user name so that you can receive an e-mail notice when someone posts a reply to your Q's. It will save you, and me, a lot of time and effort. <br><br>(2) If your asking a Q then tell us which state or country - only - that your from when posting as this helps others in terms of suggestions they can offer. <br><br>Third, give me (and others) as much detail as you can - right up front - about the baits, lures, jigs, molds, hooks, reels, lines that your chasing, or have questions about. <br><br>If you not sure, then just say so and we'll do our best to help out.. If english is your second language then still make your posts as well. Don't let that stop you from posting ok.<br><br>Let know if you need more info on how to register, and login, or other Q's if is going to make it easier to use this board.<br><br>Look forward to hearing from you soon! <br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve - <br>The Master Jig Builder<br>BFT Lures/Baits<br><A HREF="http://www.demonjigs.com" target="_new">http://www.demonjigs.com</A>
Sorry for the delay Scoobie. That Australian fish is called a Threadfin Salmon. Tropical species and your right, they can be real mean and real fast, especially in a tight creek or estuary where they are commonly hooked up.
Welcome John and don't be afraid to talk fishing here ok, regardless of your fish preferences. Innovations and enquiries should be lobbed up on to the classified boards ok.