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Full Version: Be careful who you offend.
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A few nights ago a few friends and I were in a bar, telling all the
polish jokes we knew. Boy, what a feast!

Anyway, I ducked into the restroom to sprinkle the old porcelain.
While I was in there, this big guy came in and said to me, "Hey pal,
I'm Polish and I don't like you telling all those Polish jokes!"

So I said, "Well, they're not against you, pal, just against anyone
in Poland."

"My mother is in Poland!" he screams, and pulls out a razor.

Boy was I scared... and I was sure he would have killed me if he had
found a place to plug it in!
Kind of reminds me of the guy in the movie "Bachellor Party" trying to commit suicide with an electric.
Hey, I remember that.
I was parked behind a man a couple days ago at the drive-up ATM at a bank. Another car pulled up to the side of me at the drive-up teller. For whatever reason, he immediately honked his horn. We were under a canopy and as a result the sound echoed and made it impossible to tell who had honked. I hoped the guy in front of me didn't think I was the one who had honked. I got my question answered when I got the one-finger-salute from him as he pulled away. I was just grateful that he wasn't a gun-packing citizen with a hot temper.
[laugh]ha ha ha LMAO.... good one... [laugh][sly]