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Full Version: Fishlake 2-5-05
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Just got back from FL, ocean his 2 kids, missfish4fish and I all fished in the joe bush area about 20' of water, we got on the ice about 11 and the bite up and died at 2, White whatta crickets tipped with worm was the hot item (for one of us at least)

Ocean caught 3 fish 1 of which was a perch and the others were 'bows but one of them was kinda small so back down the hole it went.

I (fish4fish) caught 2 bows and 3 perch all keepable size.

Little miss hot hand (missfish4fish) caught the first fish a really nice splake that went about 16", then she caught a little splake that went back down the hole, 2 rainbows, and about 6 perch.

check this beauty out:
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=8229;]
And the fish aint half bad either[Wink]

None of the perch were real fatties, we kept them for bait, which we never tried. The sun was out most of the morning and it was about 35f on the ice, just a great day and no Wind to speak of.

I am sure that the fishing would have been faster in the early morning hours but missf4f had to work till 3 in the morning so i let her sleep in a bit.
Awsome report! Glad you guys had fun.
Hey Tyler on the way back i stopped at the sevier river by fayette.The river is super high and moving fast!Thats a good sign ![Wink] And we are supposed to get pounded by more snow tommorow which will help. Cant wait for the yuba to fill up with water and walleyes again![sly]
Hell yeah thats good to hear, i hope that we can be back punding the snot out ot the eyes there before to long
Dang - we drove right by you on the way out about 2:00. Wish I had known I would have stopped and said howdy. Sounds like you had a good day. We fished Joe Bush as well and it was hot in the morning - we ended up with about 50 fish caught between the 4 of us with the largest splake about 18-19 inches. Lots of fish cruising the 20 ft depth on the finder all morning. All the bigger fish though came off the bottom in about 40-50 ft. My hot lures were a tiny swedish pimple tipped with perch and a genze glow head tipped. It was an awesome day - both weather & fishing [Smile]
Were you the ones with the honda 4 wheeler, and a ice shelter early in the morning and the little girl that was pulling in fish after fish?
No - we were all the way across on the east side south of the Saddle with a black shack and KW 4-wheelers.
Were you the ones the ranger went to check on?
We met him as we were leaving - about 1/2 way across the lake. First time I have been checked on the ice there. Glad to see him out.