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How many people here use flourocarbon ? If you do have you notice a diffference in catching fish? Personally i have used it in the ocean because of the great eyesight of certain species of fish.Here in utah i just use light line and that seems to works just as good too.
I use it as leader...can't say I've caught any more fish with it though. I just like it resistance to abrasion a little better.
I use if for leader material for vertical jigging for macks.
30 #fireline and 20 # florocarbon! I have cought many more fish since switching 2 no stretch leader!! thanks BLM!!M.H.
BLM is the reason I am also fishing with fireline and flourocarbon for those macks. Now if I could just do a better job of imitating his proven finesse jigging actions I would be set.
I'm also a fireline/flourocarbon guy. You gotta love no stretch on the tigers at Pineview. It's is a great leader material and we also tie up are walleye rigs with it too.

Oh ya, all my ice rods are spooled with vanish 2 lb. I know that if I can hardly see it to tie up, then the fishies are probably not seeing much either. It helps drop your perchy rig to the depths below quick when you need at the bottom fast. Just remember to lighten up the drag for those hefty cutts and bows at the Berry.

Flourocarbon line has my vote. Mostly for leader though.

BLM got me in on flourocarbon line for leader for jigging macks. Now if i could just figure out how he holds his pole when fishing I would be set [cool]
I used to use it now i am going to excalabur silver thread talk to pat about this line it rocks and is very wimp with no stretch
I love the 15lb fire line for cats.. especially for bobber fishing, i can set into the fish harder, and i dont have to worry about fish diggin along the rocks, especially at lincoln beach, and bird island. out at bird island it seems like that is the first place that they go is head first into the rocks!!
[green][size 2]I've been using pure flurocarbon since its inception. Our clear water fisheries require almost an invisible line here in Utah. I rarely use it as leader material because I use it as my main line.

Braids and superlines are usually in conditions which ever dense or heavy structures that can fray or damage mono. In the bass fishing community, flurocarbon as a main line tied straight to your lure is what is hot right. Braids/superlines are being only use with topwater, shallow spinnerbaits, and thick/dense cover situations in order to wrench fish out of or away from structure.

I believe through practical experience that flurocarbon give me an advantage where other lines don't.

The flourocarbon line is only as good as the flourocarbon that goes into it, and the amount thereof. Back in my Basswest days I was informed that one of P-Lines competitors, Mccoy I believe, had their chemists check the quantity of FC in their flouroclear. I was told it was les than 1%. After using it on several reels, I believe the chemists. Maybe TD can tell us how to find out if these FC lines are truly 100% FC, or if they are merely 1%. Or if it really matters. Is 1% enough.

I must be old fashioned I still use trilene xl mono. It has served me well over the years. I noticed that some of the lines expecially braided lines tend to shred where you hook the down rigger release to them.

Berkely Vanish is a great line but at Sportsman's they only keep it in the shop - so you have to take your reel spools over for a fill or buy just leader material and they will put it on a small spool for you.

So how many of you guy's have the tackle shop put your line on?

I do [Tongue]
[cool]Bodine, I'm with you, bro. I've never tried the flourocarbon stuff, 'cause I only heard about it this ice season, and Berkley Trilene has always treated me well. However, after talking to TIO I learned that he uses Excaliber silverthread 6 lb test, and he's never had a fish break him off with that stuff, including a lot of huge catfish and Walleye's etc., so I'm gonna order some of that stuff soon!
[cool]I've had them put my flyline on for me when I was switching from floating to sinking line once before a trip to the 'berry after ice off.
Let me know how you like it. For now old habits die hard I'll just stick to trilene.[Wink]

Hey Lundman hows it going? I've been thinking of trying the Berkley vanish is it comparable to the trilene xl as far as diameter? I have two Shimano levelwinds which hold 500 yrds of 12 lb test apiece so I get my line in 1000 yrd spools from cabelas and change it twice a year. My wife thinks I should be a major stockholder in Cabelas they even send me the hardback cataloge every year.[sly]

Flourocarbon takes something like 10,000 years to decompose. Other line is almost as long. Next time you see a tangled mess that someone left laying around. Imagine how much mess there will be in the future.
[green][size 2]Early batches of Vanish(late 1990's) had some problems and it turned off some anglers. The bugs have been worked out now. Berkeley has now come out a new tranition Vanish. This new flurocarbon is gold above water and clear under water. It has something to do with uv-rays or something. I have a spool I'll being trying out in march.

Last year I switched over to the P-Line flurocarbon away from Vanish. Don't get the P-Line flurocarbon mixed up with Fluroclear(also made by P-Line). Fluroclear is a copolymer that doesn't have the same clear properties as flurocarbon. Fluroclear is great on stained water such as Utah Lake and you can cast it a mile.

I heard Maxima has come out with a flurocarbon line now. I haven't seen it in use yet.

I say give flurocarbon a try. It has only got better since its beggining. Flurocarbon does stretch, not as much as mono but it stretches just the same. Try it. You won't regret it.

I have also gone to the bulk purchase strategy. Here is a link that I found for buying Vanish. 2000 yds. Spools.

[url ""][/url]

One suggestion with the larger capacity reels - is too put backing on the reel so you do not use so much line and then refill as often as you feel comfortable.

I have gone up to 14 lb. Vanish and use it on my levelwind line- counter reels. Since I fish walleye alot and send out bottom bouncers from 60' to 280' - the larger pound test has proved to provide the needed hook setting.

One last note is sharp hooks do offset the line stretch. I have switched almost all treble hooks on my crankbait to the Gami's and I have hooked fish in the face - in the outside of the mouth, and by the hair of their chinny chin chin. This tactic has put more fish in the boat and more holes in my fingers. Be careful with those sharp hook - don't drink and re-place hook - and have the bandages on-hand.