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Full Version: Clams in Black Bean Sauce
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2 1/2 lb Clams
2/3 c Chicken broth
2 tb Black Bean Sauce
1 tb Sherry
1 ts Cornstarch
2 ts Szechwan Chili Sauce
1 tb Vegetable oil
1 Scallions minced
2 ts Ginger root minced
Place clams on steamer rack over water in saucepan. Cover and bring to boil. Cook 5 minutes, or just until shells open. Drain. Combine broth, black bean sauce, sherry, cornstarch and chili sauce; set aside. Heat oil in wok or large skillet over high heat. Add onion and ginger; stir-fry 30 seconds. Add clams and black bean sauce mixture; cook and stir 30 seconds, or until sauce boils and thickens and clams are hot. Serve plain or over hot, cooked noodles, as desired.