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Full Version: Eye cheek meat,, ??
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Do you save those tasty little morsels?

While they dont provide much to chew on, I save each and everyone of em. I likes Eye cheek meat! Yes I do!
Eye (pun intended) love the cheek meat from big lakers and walleye. Kinda like the "tenderloin of fish".
I also enjoy cheek meat from large trout. It still amazes me how many people give me a weird look when I tell them I eat the cheeks.
Cheeks! I never heard of anyone eating them. Dont know about what kind of cheeks you talking about hopefully not butt cheeks![sly] Gonna have to try me some eye cheeks if i ever get to catch me one again!
I've seen more than a few fisherman get pretty upset when the deckhand whacks a Halibut in the cheek while trying to get it to quit flopping around...even more so when they accidentally shoot it in said area. LOL
I sure like chewing on missfish4fish's cheeks [blush]

But seriously, i have never had fish cheeks, i have heard about it, do you get alot of meat off of them or is it just a bite or 2 but it is well worth it?

Well put. The cheek meat on a big 'eye is the first thing in the fry pan for me. For those that don't know where the meat is, it is just below the eye and in front of the small ridge on the gill plate. It fillets free with minimal effort.