Last saturday i took my fishfider out to fishlake and it worked perfectly the way i rigged it.I also noticed that it has a flasher. Now whats the purpose of a flasher and how does it work? My wife threw away the manual so i dont know what its used for any info would be awesome!
A flasher is just another style of fishfinder. Those who use a Vexilar or Marcum may be able to tell you a little more on how they work...I just stick with my sonar.
The flasher mode on a fishfinder that has a monitor is designed to provide the user with unprocessed data. When you are not in the flasher mode, the fishfinder is converting the data before displaying it on the monitor. This conversion takes time -- how much time depends upon the fishfinder. A flasher mode can be extremely helpful when ice fishing, because one can instantly tell if the fish has moved towards the lure or not. I use flasher mode on my Raytheon when I am ice fishing. Also, have you tried to find another copy of your user manual online at the manufacturer's website?
[font "Times New Roman"]You should be able to go to the website of the manufacture of the fish finder. You may be able to type the “model number” of the finder followed by “manual” to find it.[/font]
Hey thanks for the info ! I will look it up eventually.
Yeah yeah we know that eventually you will just up and give it away just like the rest of the boat[

But i know what a flasher is for you should have asked me while we were ice fishing, It is to see the fish under the water, so you can get skunked again [cool]