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Went back out for ducks this last weekend. Had a hoot. Teal busting over the decoys in good size flocks, They were going full bore up a channel and not decoying real well so with thier speed, and manuverability, we wound up without any birds even though we had in the area of 100 birds ten feet from our gun barrels. Now that is some fun and challenging shooting. Never laughed so hard. Going back out to the same spot to try again tuesday and then its off hunting muledeer for a week. Let ya know how it goes when I get back.
boy dose that report take me back.

all the way back to my first duck. sittin on my privet duck huntting pond (50 feet in diamiter, ) with a hundred ducks in it just 10 feet away., with a single shot 410 trying to shoot one duck out of a hundred with all that excitement flowing.

trying to kill 2 birds with one stone picking the best posible angle befor fiering and when I pulled back the hammer they all took flight, I was luck that I remembered to shoot. (How could I miss [laugh] )

today I am lucky to even see a duck in my part of town let alone see the magrations that used to come through years ago.