02-11-2005, 03:48 AM
02-11-2005, 08:53 PM
hot diggity dog !
must be your master angler awards , huh ?
must be your master angler awards , huh ?
02-12-2005, 01:36 AM
I dont know if I made well enuff of a presentation to end up on the program, there were several others there from oakland county, they may show some pictures but who knows, I did receive an invitation to the next banquet in march.
I will decide in the next two or three days if I will make it.... A small lottery ticket certainly would make things a little easer, did you see what I picked up for my birthday last week?
I will decide in the next two or three days if I will make it.... A small lottery ticket certainly would make things a little easer, did you see what I picked up for my birthday last week?
02-25-2005, 02:51 AM
Well, last week came and gone, they reported that they made a screw-up on the previous county and had to do a redo on that county on last week's show and that they did, they reported that Oakland county would be represented this week.
I watched his show in great antisipation of seeing Oakland county's finest fish represented. well to my dismay Trost did not mention any reason for not doing oakland county this month. He did how ever get on his soap box and state how he is dead set against comercialism of the sport yet in his own publicly funded programing he has comercials for knives and hatchets.
Fred is a true breed of the do as I say and not as I do generation. (DOUBLE STANDARDS)
I sat here with my applications and check book in hand waiting to see oakland county represented. and when I got the soap box for my efforts, I am beginning to understand why he has been loosing his followers.
all I can say is when it comes time for the next public braudcasting telithon I wont be calling in during his segment. I wont be sending in my master angler fish to his show this year. Nor will I be attending his banquet. NO not in protest but in disapointment, he promissed to deliver Oakland County, I waited for years to see Oakland County and he took it back.
I doubt if fred will read this, but here is my soap box thierie on the great outdoors. [indent]
What ever it takes to get you out doors,
What ever it takes to get you to get you family out doors
What ever it takes to get you excited about your odoor sprots.
And here is my simple philosiphy, [indent]
you suport those who suport you or you will find you wont have suporters for vary long.
maybe next week I will change my mind, I am all for giving a man the opertunity to correct his mistakes, but untill I see a change on his program he has lost one more financial suporter of his program. I know we had at least a hundred people from the union lake area who were watching in great anticipation to see oakland county represented.
Now what will we have to talk about out on the ice this week? It wont be that Fred represented Oakland County.... It may be more that he didnt represent oakland county when he promised and how disipointed we all are....
Sorry Fred...[unsure]
I watched his show in great antisipation of seeing Oakland county's finest fish represented. well to my dismay Trost did not mention any reason for not doing oakland county this month. He did how ever get on his soap box and state how he is dead set against comercialism of the sport yet in his own publicly funded programing he has comercials for knives and hatchets.
Fred is a true breed of the do as I say and not as I do generation. (DOUBLE STANDARDS)
I sat here with my applications and check book in hand waiting to see oakland county represented. and when I got the soap box for my efforts, I am beginning to understand why he has been loosing his followers.
all I can say is when it comes time for the next public braudcasting telithon I wont be calling in during his segment. I wont be sending in my master angler fish to his show this year. Nor will I be attending his banquet. NO not in protest but in disapointment, he promissed to deliver Oakland County, I waited for years to see Oakland County and he took it back.
I doubt if fred will read this, but here is my soap box thierie on the great outdoors. [indent]
What ever it takes to get you out doors,
What ever it takes to get you to get you family out doors
What ever it takes to get you excited about your odoor sprots.
And here is my simple philosiphy, [indent]
you suport those who suport you or you will find you wont have suporters for vary long.
maybe next week I will change my mind, I am all for giving a man the opertunity to correct his mistakes, but untill I see a change on his program he has lost one more financial suporter of his program. I know we had at least a hundred people from the union lake area who were watching in great anticipation to see oakland county represented.
Now what will we have to talk about out on the ice this week? It wont be that Fred represented Oakland County.... It may be more that he didnt represent oakland county when he promised and how disipointed we all are....
Sorry Fred...[unsure]
03-01-2005, 02:59 AM
freds NO mort neff !
the old shows were pretty darn good , and we as sportsmen need to get involved in the political decision making that governs our lifestyle . fred is right in that respect .
i just think he needs to pick his battels a little better , not every little thing needs to be a supreme court case .
ya' think loosing the michigan sportsman show would have taught him a little something .
we don't get fred anymore up here . i remember when his show went off the air downstate .
when his show was canceled by PBS due to the lawsuit, I was the first viewer to call the station to place a formal protest to the cancelation of the program . we need good shows like his , just as long as he knows when to quit beating a dead horse . fred just dosen't get it yet , maybe someday .
there will never be another mort , untill then there is fred , he's about the best we have left . at least he's not bedding down with the d.n.r. like that other show is .
the old shows were pretty darn good , and we as sportsmen need to get involved in the political decision making that governs our lifestyle . fred is right in that respect .
i just think he needs to pick his battels a little better , not every little thing needs to be a supreme court case .
ya' think loosing the michigan sportsman show would have taught him a little something .
we don't get fred anymore up here . i remember when his show went off the air downstate .
when his show was canceled by PBS due to the lawsuit, I was the first viewer to call the station to place a formal protest to the cancelation of the program . we need good shows like his , just as long as he knows when to quit beating a dead horse . fred just dosen't get it yet , maybe someday .
there will never be another mort , untill then there is fred , he's about the best we have left . at least he's not bedding down with the d.n.r. like that other show is .
03-01-2005, 06:53 AM
his last show would have brought you to tears if not want to put your foot through the tube.
I said streight out that the loss of our hunting and fishing had nothing to do with anti hunters/fishers and it was our own fault we are loosing parks/accesses left and right and we should let them go and utilize what we have left.
I want to know just where in the world he gets off telling us to let our accesses fly out the window. every day people are loosing their land rights (not privilages) and he is telling us to let them go [mad]
like I said, every one makes mistakes and this is by far his biggest blunder.... if he wants to fold under for them buricrats and allow them to steal property rights left and right his show is not long for this world. he can kiss his backers byby... (those of us who pay for his programing on pbs.)
what he was sewed for back then was title infringement rights. "michigan out of doors" the name had already been taken and he had attempted to use it.
but on the issue mentioned above, he realy stuck his foot in his mouth on this one. I am trying to be objective about this in that I beleive he made a mistake and I will give him the opertunity to retract his statement, but he had better before the next tellithon. he made a bunch of people in to not so happy campers.
I said streight out that the loss of our hunting and fishing had nothing to do with anti hunters/fishers and it was our own fault we are loosing parks/accesses left and right and we should let them go and utilize what we have left.
I want to know just where in the world he gets off telling us to let our accesses fly out the window. every day people are loosing their land rights (not privilages) and he is telling us to let them go [mad]
like I said, every one makes mistakes and this is by far his biggest blunder.... if he wants to fold under for them buricrats and allow them to steal property rights left and right his show is not long for this world. he can kiss his backers byby... (those of us who pay for his programing on pbs.)
what he was sewed for back then was title infringement rights. "michigan out of doors" the name had already been taken and he had attempted to use it.
but on the issue mentioned above, he realy stuck his foot in his mouth on this one. I am trying to be objective about this in that I beleive he made a mistake and I will give him the opertunity to retract his statement, but he had better before the next tellithon. he made a bunch of people in to not so happy campers.
03-02-2005, 03:19 AM
03-02-2005, 04:18 AM
yep, that was another law suit brought up against him that he lost.
06-17-2005, 03:34 PM
What is the price for selling out?
Remember I reported that Fred Trost had stated on his program that there were no anti hunting and fishing people?
This came as a shock to me.... and apparently to a lot of other sportsmen in Oakland County...
Why do I say this? well he has lost his funding for his pbs show. He stated that there are fewer hunters and anglers, that is not true.... there are more today than there ever has been in the past.
Selling out on those who support you is like cutting off you legs to spite your earwax.
Fred reported he is on his last 13 weeks. I am not surprised about this development, This means he will no longer be getting a paycheck from pbs to broadcast his program... if only he would have caught on and offered an apology to the sportsmen of Oakland county he would have continued to have a job....
[size 3][font "Times New Roman"] [/font][/size]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Alas another era has past with out lessons learned. Hopefully the remaining sportsman shows will not make this mistake. So far both the remaining three programs report that there are anti hunting and fishing people and that they are organized and are present in almost every neighborhood surrounding our resources.[/size][/font]
[size 3][font "Times New Roman"] [/font][/size]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]It breaks my heart, Fred had the hammer and failed to use it…. Hope this will be the last lesson he will have to learn.. Fred could have used his half hour segment and aired a 5-minute segment showing court cases how he was protecting sportsman rights. There are literally thousands upon thousands of cases around this state where people are dined their rights to their legal accesses and all he had to do was air one a week and expose those who are denying the rights of fisherman for what ever reasons they are.[/size][/font]
[size 3][font "Times New Roman"] [/font][/size]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]I guess the moral of this story is that if you are going support some one don’t deny the existence of their nemesis …[/size][/font]
[size 3][font "Times New Roman"] [/font][/size]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Fred’s remaining programs will be full of pre-recorded segments from years past.[/size][/font]
[size 3][font "Times New Roman"] [/font][/size]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]So for now we will bid Fred Trost fair well and hope that he will take this lesson learned to his next venture.[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]….[/size][/font]
Remember I reported that Fred Trost had stated on his program that there were no anti hunting and fishing people?
This came as a shock to me.... and apparently to a lot of other sportsmen in Oakland County...
Why do I say this? well he has lost his funding for his pbs show. He stated that there are fewer hunters and anglers, that is not true.... there are more today than there ever has been in the past.
Selling out on those who support you is like cutting off you legs to spite your earwax.
Fred reported he is on his last 13 weeks. I am not surprised about this development, This means he will no longer be getting a paycheck from pbs to broadcast his program... if only he would have caught on and offered an apology to the sportsmen of Oakland county he would have continued to have a job....
[size 3][font "Times New Roman"] [/font][/size]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Alas another era has past with out lessons learned. Hopefully the remaining sportsman shows will not make this mistake. So far both the remaining three programs report that there are anti hunting and fishing people and that they are organized and are present in almost every neighborhood surrounding our resources.[/size][/font]
[size 3][font "Times New Roman"] [/font][/size]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]It breaks my heart, Fred had the hammer and failed to use it…. Hope this will be the last lesson he will have to learn.. Fred could have used his half hour segment and aired a 5-minute segment showing court cases how he was protecting sportsman rights. There are literally thousands upon thousands of cases around this state where people are dined their rights to their legal accesses and all he had to do was air one a week and expose those who are denying the rights of fisherman for what ever reasons they are.[/size][/font]
[size 3][font "Times New Roman"] [/font][/size]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]I guess the moral of this story is that if you are going support some one don’t deny the existence of their nemesis …[/size][/font]
[size 3][font "Times New Roman"] [/font][/size]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Fred’s remaining programs will be full of pre-recorded segments from years past.[/size][/font]
[size 3][font "Times New Roman"] [/font][/size]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]So for now we will bid Fred Trost fair well and hope that he will take this lesson learned to his next venture.[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]….[/size][/font]
06-18-2005, 04:28 PM
I cant argue your marter statment, this coinsides with the fact the he thinks that the average michingan sportsman is not educated or is sope opera minded or maybe he thinks we are ealily
on the real issues.
I agree he would have been by far better off if he would have focused on what sportsman face today and used his legal license to uphold thier rights and not blame it on urban sprawl....
I dont say urban sprawl is not a problem, it is most defenantly, but if he would bring attention to the state selling off hunting and fishing grounds it would put preasure on the state governemt to keep these properties for those of us who pay to keep them. this is going on in every county of the state... allowing the state to release these properties is our biggest loss of resorces...
I lost my boat launch because the state sold off part of its proud lake park system to commerce twp who sold it to a developer who put a fence across my launch and privetised it for a subdivision that is not even conected to my subdivision.... now I have to put up with boat traffic and dont get to use the launch.....
michigan oil reserves pay to keep these lands available along with hunting and fishing license not to mention the millage we pay to the state though our property taxes....
there was a lot he could have done, if he would have just listened to the people who watched his program and wanted to be informed.....

I agree he would have been by far better off if he would have focused on what sportsman face today and used his legal license to uphold thier rights and not blame it on urban sprawl....
I dont say urban sprawl is not a problem, it is most defenantly, but if he would bring attention to the state selling off hunting and fishing grounds it would put preasure on the state governemt to keep these properties for those of us who pay to keep them. this is going on in every county of the state... allowing the state to release these properties is our biggest loss of resorces...
I lost my boat launch because the state sold off part of its proud lake park system to commerce twp who sold it to a developer who put a fence across my launch and privetised it for a subdivision that is not even conected to my subdivision.... now I have to put up with boat traffic and dont get to use the launch.....
michigan oil reserves pay to keep these lands available along with hunting and fishing license not to mention the millage we pay to the state though our property taxes....
there was a lot he could have done, if he would have just listened to the people who watched his program and wanted to be informed.....