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Spent the weekend in search for a brownie . Got a few on the ice but lost a dandy fish after fighting it for 5 minutes . Not sure what it was but it appeared to get me wrapped up in some brush . Never could get it up very far from bottom before it would scream out my drag for about 10 times . Not wanting to give out too much on details but you could say I was at lake X . Nailed about 8 rainbows when I would see them cruise thru . Only landed 4 browns this weekend but hey it is better than working . Just wanting to show off a few .
Looks like you had good successes catching browns today. I’ve been trying to catch more browns my self the last few years. I guess I just need to put in the hours on the ice.
All you have to do is find where they are cruising . I spent 15 hours trying to find them this weekend at a lake I not to familiar with .
Nice browns HA69.. Now where exactly did ya said that secret water be?? [Wink]lol!!

Thanks fer sharing the pic's Randy,, I enjoyed the look see.
Nice bunch of pics Randy. Those browns can sure be wily little buggars! Very picky, and not very gullable. Glad you could at least get into a few of them. Too bad you didn't get a glimpse at the "one that got away"! Thanks for sharing the pics.
Randy there are getting to be some good brown's in the gorge again.My buddy caught a 26'' about 6lb fat and very me and I will give you some more info on that.oh that was friday.
Hey good to see ya finally got into em.I havent had a chance to get out again since I met you out at the rock, maybe this weekend.
I would go into withdrawls if I didn't wet a hook soon . LOL I will be out again this weekend but who knows where I will go . Wont know that till I get in my truck and toss a coin . Flaming gorge is really burning a hole in me now to go .