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Full Version: Rockport 02-13-05 / Outfished by my 5 year old :)
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I had a long weekend of travel and late nights so we got a late start. We hit the ice at 1 PM on the far south by the inlet and we found 17 feet of water.

My daughter put her pole down the hole and on the drop a fiesty bow took it and started zipping her line, she pulled it up and it was a nice 16 inch rainbow. I helped her re-bait and she dropped to the bottom then bam, a nice 11 inch perch. It was clock work for the next two hours. We both caught over 50 trout and my daughter wanted to target perch more so I put a good ol' PERCH EYE on her jig and she dropped to the bottom and continued to get her limit within 40 minutes. It brought tears to my eyes seeing her take control at 5 years old and dropping her lure down the hole and bringing the fish up on her own, not only that, she is a chip off the old block and started talking to the fish like I always do. Smile

We both limited on perch, my little one caught atleast 20 rainbow trout the biggest being a fat 18 inches with all fins intact, good to catch a local with all fins intact with all of those planters. My daughter had a great time, we left by 4PM because we had our limits on perch and the bow action was so fast we got sick of hooking the planters. Smile

My daughter can't wait to go again.
CBR -- Man, you've done an excellent job teaching that young angler! Those are memories they'll never forget!
How is the ice holding up?
Congratulations on your accomplishment!
Hey Brad, The ice is solid, still a pretty good 2-3 inch layer of snow on the ice which makes it great conditions for taking out the wee little ones.

Ice is a good 7 inches thick and STRONG! Since the new snow fall it has only gotten better, temperatures aren't too cold in the afternoon but when I was up there over a week ago it was a nippy 7 degrees in the morning.
Thanks for the update!
We went up to Evanston for the Derby. Caught some fish, but nothing big enough to have measured. Very little catching was going on, and 20" was the big fish of the weekend. Only one tagged fish caught that we heard of, too.
Wish we'd gone to Rockport really! I think I'll shoot for the holiday Monday of next week to chase some more perch!
Thanks again, Brad
[cool]Nice report, Craig. Man, I can't wait to teach my little daughter how to ice fish in about 3 years. She's still only 10 months, so unfortunately, we still have a while. Meanwhile, I guess I'll just have to sharpen up her teacher's skills[Wink].
Hey you out4trout on presidents day?

I am getting together a party to go fish the inlet at Rockport in search for some browns with size. Smile
[cool]That sounds like a blast, Craig! Pencil me in for right now. I'll let ya know for sure later this week. My wife seems to like the way I cook Trout better than the Perchski's, so I think this can be arrainged. It sure would be fun to hook into a nice fiesty brown over there by the river!